Prayer of the Week
Hallelujah! Thine be the glory, Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine be the glory, revive us again.
Father, thank You for these words. Thank You for reminding me that all my strength comes from You. Hallelujah! You are the glory! I praise You because You alone can revive me permanently. My joy is in You. I love what David said: “For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.”
I see much trouble, I see fearful hearts, and I see intimidation because of man. But Your Word reminds me that there is none greater than You. Who can compare to You? No one is equal to You. You are higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything I can see in the skies. Hallelujah! You are greater than everything and everyone else, and You keep all the promises You make.
I pray for peace and rest in the souls of those who are worried and afraid. I know fear and worry are not from You. I pray that Your ministering angels move upon their hearts and bring peace. I ask that You silence the noise in their minds so they can hear You, for Your Word casts out all fear! Thank You, God, that You and You alone are the answer. I praise You for the access I have to You. Where would we go without You? My God, thank You!
I pray that You meet the needs of every soul in need of provision, for You are our source. I ask that You speak to the depths of their souls and let peace and joy become their anchor. Thank You, for there is nothing lacking in You, Jehovah Jireh, our provider. As I close this prayer, I ask for forgiveness of my sins and for help in forgiving those who have sinned against me. Let Your love reign through me. To You be glory and praise. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
What an honor it is to be in Your presence. I surrender myself to You; I give You my will—have Your perfect way in me. Thank You for all the thoughts in my mind. Thank You for what seems chaotic to me. Thank You even for what is hurting me right now. Thank You for these emotions that bring me to tears. You know exactly what is in my heart! There is absolutely nothing You cannot handle. Thank You for every worry and situation, for they have drawn me closer to You. I may not have come to Your throne if not for these challenges, and I am so grateful that You know how to bring me here. You have already worked everything out.
My joy is in knowing that You desire to sit with me, to speak to me, and to share Your thoughts with me. Help me to let go of my own desires so that I may truly hear You. Thank You for Your endless love for me! I am overwhelmed—Your presence is more than this body can contain. Thank You for overflowing within me. Hallelujah! I praise You, God! Hallelujah, To thine be the glory! Hallelujah, Amen! Thank You for reviving me, restoring me, and transforming me. As I sit here, I receive a refreshing, a renewal, and a deeper closeness to You. Thank You for Your glory raining down on me right now! I love You, Lord. To You be all glory and praise, forever and ever. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
I give You glory and praise! I shout to You with all that is within me—praise and glory! Thank You for this moment. Thank You for everything happening around me. I am so grateful that no matter how things look, I am surrounded by You! Hallelujah! You told me that for the spirit of heaviness, I should put on the garment of praise.
Father, I worship You, I magnify You, and I give You glory with all that is within me. I praise You! I praise You that You reign forever. Thank You that all power is in Your hands! You are Jehovah God—there is no god or man greater than You. Thank You for perfect peace and rest in You. Thank You that anxiety has left me. Thank You that joy fills my soul because You are God and God alone! Thank You for choosing me and including me in Your plan. Thank You for chasing me down with grace and mercy, keeping me in the family of God. Thank You for removing all guilt and condemnation, for You have paid the debt for all my sins. I cannot praise You enough.
Thank You for being my shepherd and for reminding me to keep my eyes on You and not on man. I am to look to You. You said, "My sheep hear My voice; no other voice am I to follow!" Praise You that I hear You! Praise You that this season does not surprise You and that You have worked out everything for my good! Hallelujah! To You be glory and praise. I worship You, my God, my King, my Lord. Thank You! Amen.
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Prayer of the Week
Heavenly Father,
I come to You with a heart full of gratitude. I am so thankful for You and all that You have done in my life. I praise You and lift Your name high. You are the Almighty God, and there is none greater. I surrender myself completely to You.
This past year has been filled with ups and downs, but through it all, You never left me. You kept me through 2024 and have guided me into this new year. I feel so honored and blessed to be here. Thank You for this new season of life.
I pray to remain humble and fully surrendered to You. I lift up my family, my friends, and my country, asking that we all serve You and obey Your commands. Thank You for watching over the righteous and keeping us safe. I praise You because evil will not prevail, for You are in control of everything.
Father, I have many plans laid out before me, but I submit them to You now. I ask that You remove anything that is not in alignment with Your will for my life. If there is something You have not designed for me to have, may I never receive it. And if there is any place You have not intended for me to go, may I never go there. My deepest desire is to fulfill only what You originally planned for me from the beginning of time.
Thank You for allowing my life to be a part of Your divine plan. To You be all the glory and praise, in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Celebration Time!
"And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good."
—Genesis 1:31, ESV
It’s interesting to me that God gave me the title “Celebration Time,” yet I have no idea what He wants me to write about. But here we are—celebrating life, the incredible gift that God has given you! It’s time to celebrate you!
You have been chosen. You have been ordained. You are special. You carry greatness inside of you. And here’s the best part: It doesn’t matter if you don’t yet know Jesus Christ—everything written above about you is still true!
Your presence is a gift to the world and to everyone around you. Your eyes, your hair, your skin tone, your ears, your toes, your hands—every part of you has been intentionally and purposefully created by God. The way you think, the way you move, the way you dress, the way you smile, the way you say “hello”—all of it is unique and exquisite. You are a masterpiece that cannot be copied or imitated. Your voice and personality are one of a kind, custom-designed for this very season.
Take a moment to look at a flower and notice how intricately it is designed. Now consider this: God has put even more thought, care, and detail into creating you. Out of all His creations, you are His most special and cherished work. When God created everything, He declared it “good.” But when He created humankind, He said, “It was very good!”
It’s vital that you love yourself and never believe anyone who tells you that you are not valued, loved, or priceless. The fact that you are here means you are essential to this time and season. Your presence is necessary for fulfilling the plans and purposes God has designed for this earth.
Thank you for being you and for not giving up, even when life gets hard. Satan’s job is to make you feel useless, but the Bible calls him the “father of lies.” He loves to fill your mind with negativity, but don’t listen to him. Instead, tell him to shut up and get behind you! Say it out loud, and he will leave—but keep at it, because he’s persistent. Thankfully, God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us and to equip us with the power to silence every one of Satan’s lies.
We celebrate you and the greatness inside of you! The world is eagerly waiting to see what’s next from you.
Key Points to Remember:
You are deeply loved.
This world, at this exact time, was designed for you.
Your presence is essential to God’s plan.
Complete everything He has called you to do!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. 1 Peter 3:8, NIV
Heavenly Father,
I praise You for this year! Thank You for everything You have brought me through—the amazing surprises, the wonderful challenges, and the countless blessings You have given me along the way. I am forever changed! You have transformed me and revealed more of Yourself to me. Hallelujah! I am so grateful for the reminder in the passage above of how I should live as a daughter of the Most High God.
As I step into this new year, Hallelujah! I pray to grow even closer to You. I know that as I cling to You, only Your love will flow through me. I release all of myself to You so that I may be compassionate, humble, sympathetic, and love others as You have loved me. Thank You, Immanuel, for living in me and answering this prayer.
To You be all glory and praise. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
The eternal God is your dwelling place, and underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:27, NIV
Jehovah Rohi,
The Lord, my Shepherd! Praise and glory to Your name! You watch over my coming and going. You have given me an eternal dwelling place where You care for me. I never have to worry, be in want, or fear because You cover me in Your arms. You protect me from hurt, harm, and danger. Thank You, my King! I praise You, for You are with me forever. You will never leave me. Resting in Your arms is my guarantee. Hallelujah!
My soul sings a joyful noise unto You. I serve You with all that is within me—it is my absolute pleasure to worship and praise Your name. My deepest desire is to please You. Thank You for hearing and receiving my praise. I am so grateful that You attend to my prayers. With thanksgiving, I sit here in total gratitude and offer my praise to You. Your presence and glory have rested upon my soul, and I am overwhelmed.
Selah. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:24, ESV)
Father, thank You for the passage above that reminds me that my hope should rest in nothing but You. My heart is steadfast, and my mind is made up—I will serve You alone!
Thank You for this season, which brings a reminder to my heart of how deeply You love me and how much You desire for me to love others. During this time of giving gifts and sharing love, I pray that my focus remains on extending love to those who may never know me. I ask to be Your hands and feet, bringing love and hope to those who feel hopeless.
May my words and actions represent You and reflect the purpose for which You came to earth—to give love and salvation to all. You are the greatest and only gift that can fulfill every need in the world. Hallelujah!
I surrender myself to be used in such a way that the world will see and receive You. To You be all glory and praise. Amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. (Psalm 31:24, ESV)
Father, thank You for the passage above that reminds me my hope should be in nothing but You! My heart is fixed, and my mind is made up—I will serve You alone!
Thank You for this season that brings a reminder to my heart of how much You love me and how much You want for me to love others. In this season of giving gifts and sharing love to others, I pray that my focus will be on giving love to those who may never know me. I pray to be Your hands and feet, bringing love and hope to those who feel hopeless.
I ask that my words and actions represent You and reflect what You came to the earth to give to everyone. You are the greatest and only gift that can fulfill every need in the world. Hallelujah!
I surrender myself to be used in such a way that the world will see and receive You. To You be all glory and praise. Amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
Let them praise the name of the Lord; for his name alone is exalted; his splendor is above the earth and the heavens Psalm 148:13, NIV
Our Creator, who operates beyond heaven and earth, You are great and greatly to be praised! You command the mornings since the days began and cause the dawn to know its place. There is none like You!
I enter Your gates with thanksgiving and come into Your courts with praise. Hallelujah for the invitation to enter before You! What a wonder it is to praise and bless Your name. I exalt You and give You glory! There is none like You!
Thank You for being my Lord and my King. Thank You for creating me and allowing me this special time to be in the earth. Heavenly Father, before You placed me here, I had no idea this earth existed. I was where you were hidden some where within you. You chose to bring me forth and let me experience the magnitude of Your greatness.
I am speechless and yet so forever grateful for this gift from You. My soul says yes to You! Thank You. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all God’s people, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers; [I always pray] that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may grant you a spirit of wisdom and of revelation [that gives you a deep and personal and intimate insight] into the true knowledge of Him [for we know the Father through the Son]. And [I pray] that the eyes of your heart [the very center and core of your being] may be enlightened [flooded with light by the Holy Spirit], so that you will know and cherish the [f]hope [the divine guarantee, the confident expectation] to which He has called you, the riches of His glorious inheritance in the [g]saints (God’s people), and [so that you will begin to know] what the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His [active, spiritual] power is in us who believe. Amen (Ephesians 1:15-19, AMP)
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
The Lord is upright; he is my rock and there is no wickedness in him! Psalm 92:15, NIV
Jehovah Tsidkenu! The Lord my Righteousness!
All praise and glory to my King, my righteous God! There is no wickedness or untruth in you! You judge righteously for your grace and mercy is unexplainable! Hallelujah! I praise you that I am called righteous because of the blood of Jesus Christ which allows me to stand before your precious throne! Hallelujah! Oh God, How I honor you and give your praise! I lift my hands high and shout praises of joy! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are my God, my Lord my King! Hallelujah! Everything you say comes to pass. Thank you for this honor to serve you and to worship you with all my soul!
I am so grateful that you have changed my heart towards you! Thank you for choosing me! I lift up every soul that you have chosen and I pray that their hearts are turned towards you. I pray that they are strengthen and full of the joy of the Lord! I pray your peace will reign in their souls as they rest in your presence. Thank you for your presence that restores, refreshes, heals, delivers and makes everything alright! You are the best God ever and there is none like you! I love you and I thank you in Jesus name amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73:26, NIV
Heavenly Father,
I praise you Omniscient God! The all knowing one who missing nothing! I thank you that even though my heart may fail, you are my strength. I praise you that I do not have to rely on myself or try and fix myself. Thank you that you are my ELOHIM! My creator! You know exactly what I need. You are the heart fixer! You are the mind regulator! There is no physician in this earth who can fix the invisible inside of me! Hallelujah! My God my soul sings hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! You are my answer, you are my joy, you are my healer my everlasting father. I am so grateful to you! All my praise goes to you and you alone.
Thank you for healing me, thank you for bring me out. Thank you that all the important invisible things you have placed inside of me are only healed through you! Praise your holy name! amen and amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
Let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7, NIV
Holy Spirit,
Spirit of the Most High God, who lives inside of me, thank you for continuing to teach me how to love. Scripture says that You are my Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby). You teach me all things and help me remember everything that You have told me. I praise You, God, that for everything You have called me to do, You have sent me the help I need to accomplish it!
Thank you for the demonstration of love that I receive every moment of my life. I ask that if there is any area in me where I lack love, please heal me. Reveal anything I have hidden in my heart that is not of You. I release everything to You and repent of my sin. Thank you for helping me to forgive, even when I don’t feel it in my soul. I lay it all at the throne right here; I give it to You. Please cast out any anger, pain, or hatred that may reside in me so that I can allow love to fill me completely. Thank you that this is done, in Jesus' name. Amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Praise be to You, Adonai! My Master, my Leader, my God! My Lord! How I praise You! Everything on this earth is made by You, for everything was brought here through You. You have equipped everything in this world with what it needs to succeed! I came here as an egg, and You watched over me as I grew, instilling within me the ability to reproduce so that I can bear fruit.
All my dreams and desires rest in Your capable hands. You have taken care of me my entire life; why should I ever be in worry or want? Thank You for the assurance that You will continue to keep me in Your bosom and protect me no matter what comes my way. With all my heart, I give You praise! Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9, NIV
YHWH, thank You for Your presence! Thank You for Your goodness! Thank You for reminding me that I have a guarantee I will reap a harvest if I continue in what You have called me to do. Lord, thank You for the capacity to fulfill all that You have given me. Thank You that You are here, right now, in this space as I pray these words to You. My heart rejoices in the opportunity to praise You. I am so grateful to hear You speaking to me, guiding me, and giving me what I need in this moment.
Father, I love this relationship with You. I praise You for this intimacy! This sacred time that I am honored to have with just You and me. Thank You for being my God, my Lord, my healer, my everything. Thank You for encouraging me when I get down in my spirit and for lifting me in high praise. Hallelujah to my King! In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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The Vision Brings Manifestation
“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. For still the vision awaits its appointed time; it hastens to the end—it will not lie. If it seems slow, wait for it; it will surely come; it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:2-3, ESV
Several years ago, my aunt was visiting my parents with one of her daughters. At the time of their visit, they were all living in another of my aunt’s daughters' homes. Things were becoming difficult, and problems were starting to arise. They needed to move but didn’t have the income or a place to stay after their visit with my parents. They were planning to move in with another one of my aunt’s daughters and her family.
During their visit, they attended a church service with my parents and received a gift bag for being visitors. Among other items, the bag contained a journal. My mother shared their situation with us and asked us to pray that God would provide them with a place of their own. One day, while we were all visiting, we began discussing their situation and how they wanted to live.
My aunt and cousin said they wanted their own place but couldn’t afford it. I told them to take out those journals and write down everything they desired. At first, they both just said they wanted their own apartment. I asked, "Well, what do you want in it? Do you want a washer, a dryer, a dishwasher? Where do you want to live?" They began writing their desires, but initially, they were focused on what they thought they could afford. I said, "Right now, you can’t afford an apartment, so stop focusing on that and write down what God has placed in your heart.”
They started getting excited, and my cousin asked, "Can I say I want my place to be close to the grocery store so I can walk?" I said, "Absolutely! Write down whatever is in your heart." Within six months of writing down their vision, both of them received their own places. They can now walk to grocery stores, and there’s public transportation to take them into the city.
Neither of them thought they could live on their own. The only vision they had was to live with someone else, relying on others to take care of them. That was all they thought they could afford. But when they changed their vision and wrote down what was in their hearts, things began to shift. When we follow God's word, we witness the miraculous. God has ways beyond our understanding, and He opens doors for His people. I truly believe that when you write down the vision God has placed in your heart, no matter how big it seems, He has a way of making it happen. Write the vision down.
Key points:
Writing the vision down gives you the direction of where you are headed.
Sit with God and write the vision down.
Write the vision down.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
I received the prayer below from a dear sister in Christ, and I wanted to share it with you!
First, let us praise, uplift, proclaim, and worship our Father God. Let us acknowledge His sovereign and supernatural power, kindness, and, most of all, His eternal and everlasting love. Let us thank Him for creating us in His image and for loving us even before we were born. Let us be grateful that He sent His Son to die on the cross and pay our sin debt in full. Let us praise His name and thank Him for food, shelter, clean drinking water, and our jobs. Let us thank Him for the ability to see, hear, walk, taste, touch, speak, smell, and, most importantly, love. Let us be grateful that we are blessed to love ourselves, our family, our friends, and even those we have yet to love.
Let us praise Him for forgiveness, reconciliation, compromise, empathy, understanding, unity, and, most of all, loving-kindness and care. Let us thank Him for healing and for our healthy bodies, for hospitals, doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and the loving family and friends we are blessed with in our time of need. Let us praise Him for the peace, comfort, and joy He provides. He is worthy to be praised. He is the foundation of our lives and always wants the best for us. He desires our trust, faith, reliance on Him, and our love. We are blessed to know Him, and we know that with Him, all things are possible. We are truly blessed.
Let us start each morning and end each night giving our Father God our sincere thanks, gratitude and appreciation for all He has done for us. Let us thank Him for His grace, favor and supply. Let us thank Him for the Word. We are blessed. I want to thank Him for you. God bless you and your family and keep you all in His loving care. Amen
written by Lorraine Renfroe
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prayer of the Week
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end…Lamentations 3:22, ESV
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! All praise and glory to God my King! Your majesty, how I praise you! Your humble, anointed, holy, righteous servant comes to give you praise and thanksgiving! Truly you have overshadowed me with a love that is unexplainable! I just sit and bask in your goodness! Oh how sweet it is to be loved by you! The intimacy that you allow me to have, the relationship that we share far outweigh any imaginable thing I could think of. Your attention to detail for me is indescribable. My soul thinks about something and before I can speak about that something you have delivered it into my presence.
This unconditional love that you give to me, just makes me want to love you more. Thank you for this unity of oneness with you. I am so grateful that you never get tired of me and your love for me will never cease. This love is astounding! Thank you for creating me to be apart of this astonishing thing called life. I love you! Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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