"So God created man in his own image; in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
—Genesis 1:27, ESV
I was sitting in the parking lot of a restaurant, writing, when I saw two women walk past. I had seen all kinds of people walking by, but these women caught my attention. They had radiant hair, impeccably styled bodies, perfectly manicured nails, and outfits that exuded sophistication, presenting what many would consider the epitome of success. Immediately, I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Image." He continued, "They project an image of what the world tries to tell you is success."
The scripture, "You are made in the image of God," rushed into my mind. I heard Him say, "Tell the people to stop looking at the world and what it says is success and beauty. The world’s narrative is from Satan! He is the ruler of this world, and if you seek to follow the world’s standards, you are seeking Satan. He is the father of all lies."
God explained that there is nothing inherently wrong with wealth, or material things, but these cannot be our image of success. The world needs to see the image of God reflected in us. We are called not to conform to the patterns of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Key Points:
The world’s narrative of success is a lie from Satan.
Seek the image of God.
Satan is the ruler of this world.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, Ecclesiastes 3:1-2, NIV
Predetermined: Established or decided in advance.
I love how our God can drop a word into your soul and light you up! My husband and I were taking a walk after I had just finished praying, and the Holy Spirit dropped the word "predetermined" into my spirit. I spoke the word aloud to my husband and asked, “Did you hear that? God has predetermined our time to be here on earth.” I always knew this was true, but He lit my heart in a new and profound way.
He then said, “You all only have a certain amount of time to be here. I decided when you would come, and I have decided when you will depart. I have given you an assignment with a manual (the Bible) and the Holy Spirit to help you navigate this earth. Too many of my people are focused on what they can obtain and how they will enjoy this life instead of the purpose I have sent them here to accomplish.”
As these words came into my mind, I was blown away. I could see how easily we get distracted with all kinds of things because of the messages from the world. Scripture says that Jesus came so that we may have and enjoy life and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows] (John 10:10). But that is not our purpose. Those blessings come automatically when we are walking out our assignment.
Our Assignment:
“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’” Matthew 22:37-39
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
We can be deceived into thinking that we have plenty of time on this earth because we eat healthy and take care of ourselves—as we should. But that is far from the truth. Scripture tells us that God sent the prophet Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that his time was up. However, when Hezekiah prayed, God gave him fifteen more years:
"Thus says the Lord: ‘Set your house in order, for you shall die; you shall not recover.’ Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord, saying, ‘Now, O Lord, please remember how I have walked before you in faithfulness and with a whole heart, and have done what is good in your sight.’ And Hezekiah wept bitterly. Before Isaiah had gone out of the middle court, the word of the Lord came to him: ‘Turn back, and say to Hezekiah the leader of my people, Thus says the Lord, the God of David your father: I have heard your prayer; I have seen your tears. Behold, I will heal you. On the third day you shall go up to the house of the Lord, and I will add fifteen years to your life.’" —2 Kings 20:1-5 (ESV)
Although God has decided when we would enter and leave this earth, He has given us free will to choose what we will do while we are here. We were sent with our spirit and soul placed in a body to do the will of God. When we leave this earth, this body and everything we have obtained will remain here because we will not need them where we are going. It is crucial to understand that what we do while on this earth will determine how we live in the next season of our existence.
Key Points:
Your time on earth is limited; every new day brings you closer to your departure.
How you choose to live on this earth will determine how you live after you depart.
You have been given free will; choose life and obey Christ.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Rest in Faith
But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed. Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith. Galatians 3:23-24, ESV
I was listening to a speaker who was teaching on Resting in the Realm of the Finished Work. Most of his message focused on how Jesus completed the work of salvation and what it means for believers to rest in that finished work. The message was powerful, but when he began to talk about faith, I was completely blessed.
I knew God had ordained for me to hear that message because, at that season in my life, He was teaching me to trust Him with all my heart. The speaker quoted the passage above that resonated deeply with me. After reading it, he said, “Jesus is faith.” He explained that the faith we have is actually Jesus’ faith. He directed us to Romans 12:3, where it says that God has given each person “the measure of faith.” He also referenced Ephesians 4:5: “One Lord, one faith, one baptism.”
The speaker emphasized that it’s not Jesus’ faith plus my faith—Jesus’ faith is my faith. I had never heard faith explained that way before, and it brought so much clarity to how I can walk by faith and not by sight.
In the past, I had always felt like I needed to strive in my own faith. But now that I understand that my faith is rooted in Jesus’ faith, rest has filled my soul! Another scripture he shared was Hebrews 12:2: “Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.” This passage reminds us that Jesus is the beginning and the end of our faith. When we truly grasp this truth, complete rest becomes possible.
Even if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. That mustard seed of faith is the faith of Jesus. Now I can say, “Jesus, thank You for Your faith—I believe it is happening!”
Key Points:
Our faith is Jesus.
We do not have to work our faith.
We can rest in faith.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Pruning is Necessary
I was up early, spending my quiet time with God, when I felt Him say, Go work in your garden. I was a bit surprised, but then I remembered why I’d started the garden in the first place—it was to create a space where I could hear Him speak to me.
When I walked outside, I saw quite a bit of work that needed to be done. The first thing that caught my eye was the blackberry bush. It was in a large pot, but its branches were sprawling everywhere, as if they had decided overnight to go wild. As I began tying them back, the Holy Spirit guided me. I hesitated, not wanting to break any of the branches, but I felt Him urge me, Pull them a little tighter and wrap them with your tie.
While I worked, He spoke to my heart, saying, You know, I do this with all believers. At times, they feel as if they’re going to break, but I never give them more than they can bear. I know what will bring out the best fruit in them, so I prop them up to prepare them for an abundant harvest.
Next, I moved over to my tangerine tree, which is also in a pot. I hesitated because I knew pruning would be necessary. There was a particular branch that kept the tree from growing straight, but it was heavy with fruit, and I was reluctant to cut it back. I’d known since last year that it needed to be pruned, but I’d waited, hoping to harvest all the fruit before cutting it. When I finally removed the fruit, I’d simply forgotten to prune it.
This time, I heard the Holy Spirit say clearly, Cut it. I moved over, cut the heavy branch, and placed it in the garbage bin. I didn’t try to console myself—I simply thanked it for its service and moved on. Once that branch was gone, the tree looked renewed, almost as if it were saying, Thank you! I propped up the remaining branches, and the whole tree seemed vibrant and joyful.
For years, I’d avoided cutting that branch because it produced so much fruit. But in truth, I was holding the tree back from reaching its full potential. As I worked, I realized that God was speaking to me through this experience. There is a season for everything, and even when something seems fruitful, if God says to let it go, we must listen.
I thought back to my time as the lead facilitator of our Omnigroup. I absolutely loved that role! We had about fourteen women in the group, and every gathering was such a delight. We laughed, prayed, studied, and celebrated together, forming a close-knit family. It was an incredibly inspiring season, but I remember one morning during prayer when I felt the Holy Spirit say, Your time is up.
My heart was saddened; I didn’t want to let go. So I kept leading the group for another six months, but eventually, the Holy Spirit pressed me to step down and leave the group entirely. It was hard, but I did as He said. Even though the group was thriving, God was pruning my tree. Nothing was wrong—it was simply that my season had come to an end, and God was calling me forward.
When God tells us to let go, we must trust Him, because He sees the bigger plan for our lives. When we hold on out of reluctance or fear, we risk missing the blessings He has prepared for us.
Key points:
Pruning has purpose
Do not hold onto something because it is prosperous when God has said your season is up.
Release to his control even when it hurts.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Fearless Faith
"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”. Deuteronomy 31:8, ESV
My hubby and I were laying in bed. When I woke up he said, “I’ve been awake for a while and it is still very early. I can’t get back to sleep.” I asked him if he had talked to God to see why he had him up. He said, “No.” So I said, “Okay, let me pray and we will ask him.” In my prayer, God literally took over which is what I love and before I knew it my husband was asleep. When I ended the prayer it was with the words, I am fearless! I thought, “Hum…. this is not the first time you have spoken that to me. You have been telling me that I am fearless in faith! That I am fearless!” I got up and headed down to my office to write.
I was ready to write about fearless, but I asked God, “Who should I listen to, or what should I do to feed my soul this morning?” Everyday I seek the word from God because when he taught the disciples to pray he told them to pray and ask for their daily bread; which is of course the word of God. So at that moment I asked the questions my phone pinged and it was from my niece. But it was just a link to a YouTube video with the topic Fearless Faith Moved Me Into My New Home! I knew that this was not a coincidence, but God’s direction.
I sat and listened to this young lady give her testimony about how God had moved her from an apartment to a brand new home with little to no money. When the time comes for God to move us in whatever he has for us, he will send encouragement along the way. The path to the young ladies new home came with struggles and tests that built her faith. She almost gave up because the down payment was so high and was going to drain her bank account. But God had given her a friend who encouraged her and prayed her through the ordeal.
One of the amazing parts about her testimony was that the thing that almost caused her to quit was the thing God had already handled. But she would not find that out until she walked through the whole process. By the time she was to put down the deposit and first month’s rent, God had worked out a plan so she only paid something like four hundred dollars.
When we are ready to step into all that God has for us, he prepares the soil and then the pressure comes. The only way to get to that new level of faith is through challenges. If we want to build muscle we have to lift the weight to get that muscle. It is the same with our faith. To achieve physical or spiritual strength we will go through areas of struggle. But in the midst of struggle God says,"The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you”. Deuteronomy 31:8
Key points:
The struggle is apart of acquiring the fearless faith
Nothing comes with out the lifting of weight
We are never alone as we grow in faith because God never stops working.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prepared for Movement
Then he had another dream, and he told it to his brothers. “Listen,” he said, “I had another dream, and this time the sun and moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me.” When he told his father as well as his brothers, his father rebuked him and said, “What is this dream you had? Will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you?” 11 His brothers were jealous of him, but his father kept the matter in mind.
Genesis 37:9-11, NIV
I love reading out of the Old Testament because it gives such guidance on how God moves in our lives today. When we read how God moved in the lives of those who came before us, it gives us some insight of what he is doing in our lives. Scripture says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forevermore. John 10:10. We learn about his character and the way he moves in how he guides his people.
In the passage above Joseph was living at home with his family. He was one of the younger siblings in the family that his father loved dearly. The Lord had given Joseph a dream and the dream was so clear that his father and brothers could interrupt the meaning behind it. God was giving them all insight of what was to come, but the assignment was for Joseph. Joseph was being prepared for a movement. Many times God gives us a word, a vision, or a dream which puts the desires in our heart to walk in what he has called us to. God was not only telling Joseph what was going to happen in the future, but he was giving him the confidence he would need in the future to get through to the destination. God already knew what was upheld for Joseph and his father, so he sent them something to hold on to when things were difficult. If you read further in the passage you will find that for Joseph’s dreams came true but not without a lot of obstacles.
God does the same for us today! He will send someone to speak in our lives, or give us a vision with clarity. God is always giving us a message of encouragement as we move into what he has put into our spirits. I remember this vision God gave me. I can still see it so clearly. It has not come to pass as of yet, but he has sent several individuals at different times in my life who have spoken to me about the dream he showed me so many years ago. They knew nothing about the dream, but their words came at a time when I needed them the most.
God knows exactly what we need to keep us headed in the right direction. He will send a preacher to speak a message that sounds like it is just for you and sometimes it is. I remember a friend shared with me that she was getting ready to resign from her job and she was seeking God for direction. One Sunday she went to this church that she had never been to before. When the minister got up to teach the word he said, “God is telling me to say that someone is about to resign from their job and God is saying it is not time yet, do not do it.” She knew the message was for her. God knows his plan for you and it is perfect! Just stay the course!
Key points:
Your journey to the destination is going to have some trails.
God gives us the destination so we know where we are headed and we can stay encouraged along the way.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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I Love Faith
I was laying in my bed praying, just giving God thanks before I got up to head down to my prayer room. In the midst of the conversation I said to God, “I love faith.” He said go write those words down right now. I knew instantly he had more to say. I knew that I was right in alignment with him and we were having a conversation. I was not just talking to him, but he was having a conversation with me!
Every time you move towards obedience the enemy brings something to distract you. I saw my hubby in the other room as I was headed down to write what the Holy Spirit had just dropped in me. He said, “Good morning.” I stopped to say, “Good morning,” and we went into this conversation about healing and faith. I began to wonder about my level of faith because when I prayed over people I did not immediately see their healing. I could feel the enemy trying to move me away from the topic of “why I love faith” to putting doubt in me about faith.
I immediately got up and went into the room and I started to write. I wrote the topic I love faith, immediately all the reason why I love faith came pouring into my soul. Faith puts me in a place of complete peace, joy, rest, and satisfaction. Faith removes doubt, worry, fear, frustration, and all those crazy questions that comes to our mind. Faith gives me the power to shut any negative thought down. Faith manifests the things that I am believing God for. Faith draws me closer to God. Faith keeps me talking to him all day. Faith assures me that I am never out of alignment with the almighty. As I was writing down all these benefits of faith I thought, “How could I not love faith?” There is nothing but benefits! And then the almighty said, “Faith is a wall that Satan cannot penetrate!”
Key points:
Faith is assurance.
With God, faith is all the resource you need.
Without faith it is impossible to please God.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Say, I walk by Faith
…for we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7, ESV
I had been praying to God about some things that he told me would be happening in my life that I had not seen them manifest. I was starting to get agitated and frustrated with God because I was believing him but I was not seeing anything happening. My spirit was starting to get in a funk and I was like God when is this going to happen?
A few days later, God had me praying with one of my prayer warrior friends and God told her to tell me to say I walk by faith. I heard her say those words and I was like, “Yes we walk by faith and not by sight.” But God kept having her repeat, “Say I walk by faith.” After we finished praying I got up and took a walk. But we kept chatting for a moment longer. At one point she said, “Just like you are walking right now, God said to say, I walk by faith!” I finally got it! God was telling me to speak that I walk by faith!
I was so focused on what I had not seen manifest that I was trying to move by what I saw. God was telling me this behavior was keeping me out of alignment with him. I was coming into agreement with Satan and not with the word of God. Confusion, frustration, agitation all come from Satan. God is not the author of confusion. As long as I kept saying I don’t see God’s hand moving I was never going to see his hand move or receive the promise. Scripture says, "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." I was saying what I believed and therefore that is what was manifesting in my life.
Faith is what produces the manifestation of what we believe God has spoken into our hearts. When the thought comes that I don’t see a thing manifesting we must say, “I walk by faith,” and faith brings that thing to pass. Listen, when sickness is upon you say, “I walk by faith that I am healed.” God said, “Abraham believed and it was counted to him as righteousness.” Abraham’s belief in what God said brought him his son Issac at 100 years old! In the passage above Apostle Paul reminds the church at Corinth, that it is by faith we know that when we leave this earth we will be with the Lord in our heavenly bodies. Everything in the kingdom of God is by faith! In everything say, “I walk by faith!
Key Points:
Faith is the manifestation tool. You have what you say. Your words produce your world.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Delay is not Denial
And behold, there was a woman who had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bent over and could in no way raise herself up. But when Jesus saw her, he called her to Him and said to her, “Woman, you are loosed from your infirmity.” And he laid his hands on her, and immediately she was made straight, and glorified God. Luke 13:12-13, NKJ
In the passage above Jesus is speaking in the synagogue and he sees a woman who had an illness caused by a demonic spirit. Scripture says that she had this illness for eighteen years; which means this was not always her condition. When illness comes to attack our body the first thing we do is to try and fix the problem ourselves. But if those home remedies don’t work, and we are not getting better any better, we head to the doctor’s office for diagnosis and ways to heal our body.
We know that the woman in the passage honored God and followed his ways, otherwise she would not have been at the synagogue when Jesus was teaching. Jesus taught in all different synagogues and there was no way for her to know that he was going to be at the place where she would be worshipping. The passage did not say that she asked Jesus to heal her, but he called her to him. I can’t begin to imagine the circumstances and changes that happened in her life when this illness came upon her, but she never gave up on the Lord. Jesus had the perfect timing for her healing.
We know that God can do anything, we know that he hears our prayers. In Daniel 10, we learn that when Daniel prayed and the angels heard his prayer and went immediately to give him the answer but the angel was held up fighting a demon. Many times we have no idea why it seems that God has not answered our prayer requests. We know that he is here and the he is an ever present God. We know that he knows our situation and that he is able to deliver us in whatever situation we are in. So the question becomes what is the hold up?
All through the Bible we have learned that most times there was a waiting period before the request was answered. This waiting period is a process in building our faith. Although that can be frustrating, God has purpose that we do not understand. However, we can be encouraged in the wait that God has heard our request and he has the perfect plan for our lives. He says in scripture that his eyes saw our unformed body and in His book were all written the days that were appointed for us, before any of those days came to pass.
God’s delay is not denial, it is usually just the timing of when we want the answer to our request that is a little off. I love how David teaches us how to wait. He knew he was going to be king over Israel because the prophet of God had anointed him. But at the time the prophet anointed David to be king, the position of King was filled by Saul. Once King Saul understood that David would be king he tried to kill him several times. But David never put his hand out to kill king Saul; even when God put Saul into his hands. David waited fifteen years to become king. He lived in caves and was usually on the run from Saul for many of those years, but he kept his faith in God.
Many of us are holding on to promises that God has placed in our hearts, and we have not seen the manifestation of that promise. I am reminded by what a dear friend said to me, you are not seeing the promise fulfilled because you keep saying I don’t see what God promised manifesting. She said speak the word, I walk by faith. Faith is what brings the manifestation. It is the answer. If we keep speaking what we see we are going to have what we see. Scripture says we walk by faith and not by sight. If you are using your physical sight you will never see the promise fulfilled. Abraham saw his promised fulfilled because he believed God, not because of what he saw with his physical eyes.
Thank you for the reminder that faith is the only way to the manifestation of the promise you have for us. Thank you for giving each of us a measure of faith to trust you in what you have placed in our hearts. We repent for doubting you because of what we see. We ask for help to stand in the measure of faith that you have placed in each of us. And we thank you for the reminder to walk by faith! In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Key points:
Faith requires a delay.
Waiting with expectations is the action of faith.
You have all the faith you need.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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I Do Not Have Time
Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16, ESV
In the passage above Apostle Paul is giving some instructions to the church in Ephesus on living righteous before God. In his teaching he tells them to make the best use of their time, which is the word exagorazo in Greek and it means to redeem; by payment of a price to recover from the power of another, to ransom, buy off. Jesus paid the price for us to be redeemed. Therefore, we should use all of our time honoring him and living in accordance to his instructions.
I have found myself in situations where I used the phrase, “I do not have time” quite a bit. Jesus taught me that time is his and when I am in alignment with him he has given me the space and time to do what is needed. He made this very clear to me when one day I was working to get a project completed. He told me to stop and do a taping of what I had experienced some days earlier. I responded, “I do not have time. I am on a deadline to get this finished.” But he reminded me of my experience and I quickly stopped what I was doing to follow his instructions.
A few days earlier I was on my way to pick up some items from the store. I saw one of our neighbors who lives down the street getting into their car. What drew my attention was that she was trying to lift her husband’s walker into the car. Her husband has some type of illness which causes him to walk with a walker. We have lived in this neighborhood for many years and witnessed her helping him take a few steps from the end of their sidewalk and back. He seemed to be in much pain.
As I was passing by their home, the Holy Spirit said, “Stop and pray for him.” Now I have whispered prayers for them in the past, but I had never been prompted to stop and pray. I felt in my spirit God wanted to heal this man. I did not even allow myself to question God. I just said, “Yes,” pulled up to in front of the house and jumped out of the car. I said to the wife who was putting the walker in the car, “Do you all believe in prayer? She said, “Yes.” I said, “Can I pray for your husband?” and she said, “Yes.” I walked over to the front door of the car that was opened and where her husband was sitting. I asked him if I could pray for him. He said, “Yes.” So, I asked his wife to join me. Immediately her husband yelled at me and said, “Not now! We don’t have time!” I was shocked and I said, “Okay” and I left.
When I got back in my car, I was still a little shaken by his response. But God said, “He did not reject you, he rejected me.” God said, “I stopped by to heal him through your prayer and he did not have time for me.” I immediately started praying on his behalf and asking God to heal and forgive him.
But that was not the end of the story. Later when God told me to tape the lesson about our neighbors and share it on social media. I said, “I don’t have time.” The Holy Spirit reminded me that I was just like that neighbor. I was rejecting God. God wants us to remember that he is in control of time. He put us here for his purpose and when we are in alignment with him, there is always time to do what we have been sent on earth to do.
Key points:
When the Holy Spirit prompts you to do something, pause and let yourself hear him so you can respond appropriately.
Remember man makes his plans, but God directs his path.
Release control so you can hear God.
We are never to busy to for our Creator!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him…Titus 3:10, ESV
I totally enjoyed watching Dr. Juanita Bynum’s @3With Me Bible studies. She would sit on the floor of her home at 3:00 p.m. every day and teach the word of God through Facebook live. Her messages were always so powerful, I would listen to them over and over again and take all kinds of notes. In truth, although she no longer does those FB lives I still go back and listen to those teachings.
A few days ago, the Holy Spirit told me to go back and look at the journal that I used for her teachings. I came across some notes on the spirit of negativity and I knew that I was supposed to give you some of the points I wrote down. Negativity is apart of our behavior because it is learned and it slips into our subconscious mind. The first response that comes out of our mind to our subconscious is negative because that is what has been put there.
When negativity is in our subconscious, that will be our first response until we chose to reject that first response in training our brain. The answer to changing our brain is setting goals and establishing who we are in Christ. A consistent prayer life defuses the negativity and stress because we receive the comfort of the Lord; even if things in our situation have not changed.
What happens to our brain when we operate in negativity? The moment a person express the slightest degree of negativity it increases negativity in both the speaker and the listener. We cannot listen to negativity and it not change us. When we sit and listen to someone who is constantly negative they are embezzling our life. They are stealing our life. Once the negativity starts messing with your brain it messes with our memory and cognitive thinking accurately. It hinders you from making right decisions. You can’t focus and you become scattered. It messes with your memory and causes you to forget who you are in Christ Jesus. It has been proven that the switch to turn off negativity is very difficult because the brain has been wired to absorb massive amounts of negativity.
What we hear and what we watch frames our thoughts and establishes who we are and what we do. Ten people full of negativity affected millions of people. And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.” Numbers 13:33 The whole community that came out of Egypt was affected by those ten people. The consequences of listening to that negativity stopped anyone over 20 years old from entering the promise land! They chose to listen to the negative report! Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who joined the youth to enter the promised land because they did not listen, or believe the negative report.
Christ calls us to be sober minded; which means to be sound in mind. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8, ESV We can change our information right now. Scripture says physician heal thyself, we can do this through prayer and fasting. For twenty-one days fast no negativity. Do not read anything negative, or listen to any negative reports. If anyone comes to you and starts to speak negative cut them off and tell them you are on a negative fast. The spirit of negativity is from Satan and if he can keep you in that space, you will never experience all that God has for you.
Key points:
Listening to negativity embezzles your life!
Negativity is a spirit from Satan.
Negativity steals the soundness of mind.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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If you see in a province the oppression of the poor and the violation of justice and righteousness, do not be amazed at the matter, for the high official is watched by a higher, and there are yet higher ones over them. Ecclesiastes 5:8
The scripture above confirms what we see in the earth. The poor oppressed and the violation of justice. We actually see our leaders trying to make wrong right and righteousness wrong. Sometimes in life it feels like there is no accountability at the top. It appears that the leaders of our different countries do whatever they want. In someways it seems those running for office say what you want to hear to receive your vote, but when in office they do things completely different. Many times one can wonder if those elected understand that they're selected by the people, for the people and not for their own political gain.
We have read in the Bible where those who were in charge ignored the laws of the land and did whatever they wanted. Even laws of today are written so deceitfully that one cannot even tell if what you are voting for is truly what you believe. The passage above gives great hope and reminds us that God holds everyone accountable. We may not witness the justice of the wicked in this world, but God says vengeance belongs to him.
As believers our accountability is unto God and we have been called to love. He reminds us that our focus should be on our own behavior because each of us will give an account of himself to God. Romans 14:12 Scripture reminds us that we have been rooted and established in love, and we have the power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. To know this deep love requires us to walk it out everyday. The more we walk in love the more the others will see and feel Christ love and we will see more change to righteousness in our world. Scripture teaches that we are to pray for righteous leaders and when we do that then the country will follow righteousness and live in peace.
However, we need not be afraid when the wicked increase and we know rebellion increases. If a ruler listens to lies all his officials will be wicked. But we need not grow distraught scripture reminds us that the righteous will see the downfall of the wicked! Proverbs 22
I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:36-37, ESV
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Do Not Hesitate
Remember Lot's wife! Luke 17:32
Lot’s wife hesitated instead of completely obeying God’s instructions and she took a look back at her old life and it cost her everything; she turned into a pillar of salt. Genesis 19
I own a cookie company and I had been working with this vendor for months to have our cookies placed in their shop. The vendor has about five different locations and targets a certain audience. They asked if I could make a specific kind of cookie for them and I did.
We went through a lot of different variations and packaging to finally come up with something that would work for the both of us. Their first order was three hundred and sixty cookies. I was prepared with everything in order to fill that number of cookies. When I received the order I heard this quiet prompt in my spirit to check my inventory. I remembering saying, “Okay.” but I was confident that I had enough inventory.
Three days before the delivery, I was at an appointment with my sister-in-law regarding the next steps for her healing when I received a text message from my husband. It was a picture of the freezer where I had stored the product and a puddle of water was sitting on the outside of the freezer. He asked me if I was defrosting the freezer with all the product inside? I went into immediate concern!
I called him and he said that he went into the garage to check on something and saw the puddle by the freezer. He opened up the freezer and saw that the freezer was turned off. Somehow the circuit that the freezer was attached to had flipped off and we had no idea. My product had started to get a little soft, but they were still frozen. Immediately I heard the words, “I told you to check your product.” Ugh! I just repented and ask God to save the product. There was well over a thousand cookies of different varieties in that freezer.
When I got home I immediately checked the product and did some research to see if it was ok to still use it if it got defrosted and then refrozen. Thank God everything was fine! I also found out after checking the product that I was off count by seventy cookies for the order that I was to fill in three days. I had filled an order previously and forgot to deduct the number.
The voice of God is always speaking and when he tells us to move, we should move. It is so important that we do not hesitate when he says, “Move!” If I had moved when he said so, I would have known that the freezer was off and probably also about the low inventory. When God whispers into your ears, do exactly what he says; no matter what you think.
Our God is very kind and gracious, but at some point our disobedience could cost us our life!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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In the Middle of the Storm
On that day, when evening had come, he said to them, “Let us go across to the other side.” He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” Mark 4:35, 40, ESV
In the passage above Jesus had been teaching all day from the boat and in the evening he told the disciples to go across to the other side. Jesus was tired and he had gone to the stern of the boat to sleep. While they were crossing to the other side a huge storm arose and the boat was taking on a lot of water.
The disciples were doing all that they could to keep the water out, but they were not having any success. They were filled with fear that they would perish. They went down to the bottom of the stern where Jesus was sleeping and they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. Jesus turned to the disciples and asked them “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?”
All day long Jesus had been teaching from the boat about faith through a parable. The disciples were there with him. However, they did not understand some of Jesus’s teachings about faith and so he explained the parable to them. The parable was all about faith, how they hear the word and their level of trust in God. Yet, when their time came to be tested with the word they had received, they failed. Jesus told them, “Let us go across to the other side.” He said to them that they were going to the other side, but when the storm in their lives came, they did not have the faith to trust God!
Just after I had finished reading the same scriptures about faith, I said, “God, I trust you, no matter what happens. This seed is on good ground and I trust you!” But It was not even 24 hours later that Jesus tested my words. I was just like the disciples at the onset of the storm. We can be so sure of ourselves, but it is not until we are tested that the truth is revealed.
I was so sure that I believed God! But when the test came, I found that my faith struggled. I was praying for my faith, for my trust, to rest in everything I said I believed. I just kept praying because I wanted to rest in my faith. I did not want to react with my emotions and in the midst of my prayer, the Holy Spirit reminded me of the story I had read not even 24 hours earlier. My prayer immediately changed to praise, and I was instantly comforted!
God knows our heart, but he has to show us where we are so that when the next time a crisis arises it will not shake us! The disciples’ lessons while they were with Jesus prepared them for the ministry that would come when Jesus was gone. They were so secure in their faith, that they became the foundation of the church of today.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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The Parable of the Prodigal Son
One morning as I was praying scriptures over those who are lost and the parable of the prodigal son came into my spirit. As I prayed I began to think about how much God loves us. In the book of Luke Jesus tells us a parable about a lost son. The reason Jesus tells this story is because the Pharisees and the scribes were grumbling about Jesus spending time with tax collectors Luke 15.
A little background about the tax collectors. Rome had captured and occupied the territory of the Jews. The Jews were living in their own country, but they had no control over it. Rome required all citizens to pay taxes to Cesar. So they hired Jews from that region to collect the taxes. The tax collectors would collect tolls, tariffs and customs, but they were notoriously dishonest and despised by their own people. They would collect more than what was necessary so they could add to their own pockets. Therefore, no one had anything to do with them and the Pharisees and the Scribes considered them the sinners of all sinners. So when they saw Jesus hanging out with the tax collectors they grumbled and complained.
Jesus hearing their grumbles gave several parables of why he was there with the tax collectors. One of those parables was about the prodigal son (the lost son). This son lived with his father, who was wealthy, but when the son grew up he wanted his share of the inheritance and he wanted to leave.
The father relinquished to the son his request and the son left. While the son was out in the world having a great time, he spent all of his inheritance. So much so that when hard times came, he had no where to go. He found a place to hire himself out to feed the pigs and he was so desperate and hungry that he was tempted to eat the pigs’ food. Now to the Jews, pigs are an unclean animal and they are not even supposed to touch a pig.(Leviticus 11:7) And the pig, because it parts the hoof and is cloven-footed but does not chew the cud, is unclean to you. 8 You shall not eat any of their flesh, and you shall not touch their carcasses; they are unclean to you.
This son was so desperate that he was at a point of eating food of an unclean animal; which would make him unclean. Sometimes we do things that we would never do when we are not in our right mind.
Many times pride can get in the way of us seeing what is truly available to us. God has everything for us, but we can be blinded and stubborn in our own ways. I remember a friend whose family told her not to marry a particular man, but she loved him and did so anyway. They moved several hundred miles from her parents and they had two children. Her husband ended up being just like her family said and they spilt up. She was so determined to prove to everybody that they were wrong that she would not ask for any help and lived out of her car for months with her two children all because of pride. But her parents had everything that she needed.
When the prodigal son came to himself and realized that he could go to his father with a humble heart, ask for forgiveness and hopefully be hired as a servant, he left that job! But when his father saw him coming, he ran to his son with open arms and his father put a robe on him, threw a party and celebrated that his son was home!
The whole parable was not only about the tax collectors, but about all of us who are lost. The tax collectors had left their family and turned their backs on everyone. They knew they had done wrong, but they had no place to go to for hope and forgiveness. But when Jesus came and they heard the message they eagerly accepted him. They knew freedom was in him. We all know when we have been doing wrong, and when the truth comes it speaks to our hearts. All of us get off track, but that is why Jesus died and rose from the grave. When he rose he gave us all the opportunity to choose life. We were guaranteed death, but life has come! Scripture says, “This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” Deuteronomy 30:19, ESV
Do not let you past hinder you from your future. Jesus died for every sin and he is inviting you to join with him in eternal life!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Prepare and Wait
“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Matthew 7:7-8, ESV
I asked the Holy Spirit for help with my writings and the cookie business that he gave me. I had some specific things that I wanted to happen. I had written them down in my on my vision board. I prayed over the vision and I trusted God for those things to manifest. We are not halfway through the year and many of those things I asked God for have come to pass.
However, they have come completely differently than what I expected. They have come with a lot of sacrifice and hard work. I used to read the passage above and the understanding that I thought I had was way off. As I read that passage over again today, in this season I realize that my asking has been very different. My asking God has been with a consistent prayer time with him. My knocking has been sitting and listening to what He tells me to do. And my seeking has been following the instructions he has given me. In other words doing the work!
If you are asking God for something be prepared to work, to wait and to go through a journey with him. Abraham wanted a son, so he asked God and he kept on asking. God told Abraham he would give him a son and he would be the father of many nations. But Abraham had to listen and follow the instructions God gave him before he received his son Isaac. Abraham worked with and waited on God for twenty-five years before God granted him the promised son.
The asking, the seeking and the knocking are all about how we spend time getting to know God. I believe our asking is always from God to grow us into a new level of relationship with him. Scripture says, that if we delight ourselves in the Lord, he will give us the desires of our heart. I believe as we give over to God, he gives us his desires which are to draw us into a deeper relationship with him. Because what parent does not want a closer relationship with their own children? I believe that every move is designed for us to know our father Jehovah more and to spend that ordained time with him that he had designed for us before the beginning of time. To God be the glory! Amen
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Request Granted
…what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?” “If I find forty-five there,” he said, “I will not destroy it.” Genesis 18:28
In my study of the word, I came across the scripture above. I felt in my spirit that God wanted me to write about it. In this scenario, three men came to visit Abraham, one of them being the Lord. During their conservation the Lord reminded Abraham that he was going to make him into a great nation. He also told him that Sarah his wife will give birth to a son within a year. As they were about to depart, the Lord told Abraham that he was going to destroy cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Abraham started to bargain with the Lord. He was concerned about his nephew Lot who was living in Sodom. So he asked God if he would destroy the whole city if there were righteous people living there. He started asking if fifty righteous people were found there would it be destroyed, then all the way down to if ten righteous people were found. God said that he would not destroy the cities if there are were 10 righteous people found.
There were not ten righteous people to be found, but God in his kindness and love removed Abraham’s nephew Lot and his family from the city before he destroyed it. Lot showed kindness to the angels when they came to the city and invited them into his home. When it came time to destroy the city, the angel told Lot that he must take his family and leave to the hills. When Lot lingered the angels grabbed the hands of his family and took them out of the city.
When the angel told Lot to escape to the hills, Lot requested that his family be allowed to escape to a specific nearby town because he was afraid they would not make it to the hills in time. The angels granted his request.
Our God is so gracious that when he told Abraham about his decision, he made adjustments and granted Abraham’s request. He then went beyond what Abraham requested and saved his family. Although Lot was receiving grace to escape destruction, he made a request from the angels and his request was granted. The God we serve is so loving and gracious that in every moment of our lives he hears our hearts and is ready to grant our requests. Let us not lose heart, God is not lacking in anything and we do not need to hold back our requests from him! Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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Problem Solver
We all have problems that we try to solve on our own. Sometimes we do a great job and things work out just find. Other times we have no idea how to solve our problems. But Scripture teaches us that Jesus is a problem solver and he will solve every one of our problems; if we ask him.
I am reminded of the story of the Israelites when they were slaves in Egypt. Their slave masters had become so ruthless that they called out to God for help. I don’t believe that I have ever heard of anyone in the world calling out to their God (besides the Israelites) and they were delivered from their hardships. But scripture teaches us that God heard the Israelites’ prayers and he answered them.
I don’t think that the Israelites were expecting God to answer their prayers in the way they received it. Moses showed up with his brother Aaron, carrying a staff and telling them that God had sent him to deliver them. Interestingly enough God gave Moses signs to show the Israelites why they should believe that God sent Moses. However, when things did not happen as quickly as they wanted, the people became angry with Moses.
At times when we ask God for help with our problems, we have to be willing to let him do it in his way and in his timing. His timing is always perfect. He is glorified so others know that he is God alone and that they can trust him. God also resolves our problems in ways that we could never begin to imagine.
When God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians through Moses, everyone knew about it. The Pharaoh of Egypt was the most powerful ruler at that time, but God showed the world that there was none greater than himself. I remember a time when I was working for a company and my boss and his boss had both said, “no” to a promotion for me. I was very upset because the workload I received had been doubled and others in that position with the same workload were all at a level twice higher than the position I was in.
I could not solve that problem, but when I took it to God, he moved my little unit out of that branch and into another branch and promoted me to the higher classification. Then later he moved my unit back into the same branch that would not promote me! Look at God! I encourage you, let him solve your problems!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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The Miracle
This year I asked God to let me see a miracle every day. Now, I understand that we have miracles in our daily lives, but I wanted to see more than I could ever think of, or imagine. On this particular morning I went to an appointment with my sister-in-law for her scheduled cancer healing treatments. While we were there I took a break, went to the ladies room and then headed back to where my sister was sitting. On my way back there were patients sitting in chairs receiving their cancer treatments. My eyes were drawn to this one beautiful older lady. She said, “Hello!” to me and I asked her how she was doing. She said, “Fine!”, but I could tell she wanted to talk. She was there by herself so I bent down beside her to have a conversation with her.
We began to talk and she shared with me about her family. She had two daughters who had extreme challenges, so much so that she raised her grandchildren by herself. Her grandchildren are now doing extremely well and are very successful. She also had two great grandchildren and she was so proud of them, but her heart hurt for her daughters. They were still having very difficult lives. I told her that we would pray and cast the demonic spirits out of her daughters. However, as I begin to pray she said I need to tell you that I died three times. I was confused and asked her what she meant. She repeated that she had died three times and said that it was nothing like they tell you.
I asked her if she would not mind sharing her experience with me. She told me how the presence of God meets you in the transition and you are very aware of the decisions you are making. She said there was so much peace and all this love comes towards you! But she knew that she could not leave. She said that she knew God wanted her here in this world to take care of her family; so she stayed. She said most of her life she had been ill and her ex-husband asked her how can she serve a God that allows her to always be sick. She told him that we do not get to choose the journey God has given us and she was grateful that she was chosen to serve this way.
She then told me about a man who called her from another state. She said that she did not know him, but he told her that he was going to die in a few days and he had heard of her testimonies. He told her that he had to speak to her before he died. He wanted to know what she looked like so he could be there to welcome her when she died. I asked her what her name was and she said Mary. I told her that she was appropriately named and afterwards we prayed. When I finished our prayer, her medication tube started to beep. The nurse came and told her that she was finished! She looked at me and said you were divinely sent to me for this moment! I said, “God bless you!” and I left.
God showed me how miraculously he orchestras time and seasons for us all to be encouraged! To God be all the glory! Amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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His Power
In my prayer time, a gentleman that I had prayed for at church the previous Sunday came into my spirit. I could see him standing at the alter in pain and crying as we prayed for him. I remember how the Holy Spirit took over. You could hear gratefulness and thankfulness come over him as he released his pain to Jesus. When he left the church you could see the peace that was released in his soul.
As God replayed that whole scenario in my mind, I became overwhelmed and I thanked my almighty God that we had a place to take this young man! We knew that the one and only true God who had made him and knew all about his situation was the only one we could take him to. We were never depending on ourselves. We were depending on the risen King to come in and take control.
I realized at that moment how blessed I was to know Jesus! I know that Jesus is the living Word of God and he is God and whatever I ask in accordance to his will, he hears and answers me. We all have this amazing access to the one who knows everything. We get to bring every single situation to him. He invites us to come to him! He says, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30, ESV. This is what happened to that young man. He came to Jesus and received rest for his soul.
Every believer has been given the authority to take anyone to the throne of God. Every believer has access to the King of all kings and Lord of all lords. Every believer has an open invitation to sit with Jehovah at any time. As believers we do not have to be in the same place with the person to take them to the throne of God! Why? Because we go in our spirit we can be across the world praying and our spirits are at the throne of Jesus together and he hears and sees us! He has told us that we worship him in spirit and in truth. We cannot get to God through our flesh. It is through our spirit that we fellowship with him. So when we pray, we pray from our spirit! Hallelujah! We must never be concerned about how our prayers sound; they just need to be sincere from our hearts. Jesus takes care of making them perfect before our heavenly Father. Scripture says, “Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us.” Romans 8:34, ESV. I don’t know about you, but I get so overwhelmed by how amazing our God is and all that He has done for us! Amen!
Let us pray: Father, you have given me more than I can imagine. Thank you, I just praise you from my soul. Thank you for your generosity and love for me. I am so grateful, words don’t seem to be enough to express my gratitude towards you. But I praise you that you can hear my heart. Thank you! In Jesus’ name amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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