Problem Solver

We all have problems that we try to solve on our own. Sometimes we do a great job and things work out just find. Other times we have no idea how to solve our problems. But Scripture teaches us that Jesus is a problem solver and he will solve every one of our problems; if we ask him.

I am reminded of the story of the Israelites when they were slaves in Egypt. Their slave masters had become so ruthless that they called out to God for help. I don’t believe that I have ever heard of anyone in the world calling out to their God (besides the Israelites) and they were delivered from their hardships. But scripture teaches us that God heard the Israelites’ prayers and he answered them. 

I don’t think that the Israelites were expecting God to answer their prayers in the way they  received it. Moses showed up with his brother Aaron, carrying a staff and telling them that God had sent him to deliver them. Interestingly enough God gave Moses signs to show the Israelites why they should believe that God sent Moses. However, when things did not happen as quickly as they wanted, the people became angry with Moses. 

At times when we ask God for help with our problems, we have to be willing to let him do it in his way and in his timing. His timing is always perfect. He is glorified so others know that he is God alone and that they can trust him. God also resolves our problems in ways that we could never begin to imagine.

When God delivered the Israelites from the Egyptians through Moses, everyone knew about it. The Pharaoh of Egypt was the most powerful ruler at that time, but God showed the world that there was none greater than himself. I remember a time when I was working for a company and my boss and his boss had both said, “no” to a promotion for me. I was very upset because the workload I received had been doubled and others in that position with the same workload were all at a level twice higher than the position I was in.

I could not solve that problem, but when I took it to God, he moved my little unit out of that branch and into another branch and promoted me to the higher classification. Then later he moved my unit back into the same branch that would not promote me! Look at God! I encourage you, let him solve your problems!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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