I Do Not Have Time

Making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16, ESV

In the passage above Apostle Paul is giving some instructions to the church in Ephesus on living righteous before God. In his teaching he tells them to make the best use of their time, which is the word exagorazo in Greek and it means to redeem; by payment of a price to recover from the power of another, to ransom, buy off. Jesus paid the price for us to be redeemed. Therefore, we should use all of our time honoring him and living in accordance to his instructions.

I have found myself in situations where I used the phrase, “I do not have time” quite a bit. Jesus taught me that time is his and when I am in alignment with him he has given me the space and time to do what is needed. He made this very clear to me when one day I was working to get a project completed. He told me to stop and do a taping of what I had experienced some days earlier. I responded, “I do not have time. I am on a deadline to get this finished.” But he reminded me of my experience and I quickly stopped what I was doing to follow his instructions.

A few days earlier I was on my way to pick up some items from the store. I saw one of our neighbors who lives down the street getting into their car. What drew my attention was that she was trying to lift her husband’s walker into the car. Her husband has some type of illness which causes him to walk with a walker. We have lived in this neighborhood for many years and witnessed her helping him take a few steps from the end of their sidewalk and back. He seemed to be in much pain.

As I was passing by their home, the Holy Spirit said, “Stop and pray for him.” Now I have whispered prayers for them in the past, but I had never been prompted to stop and pray. I felt in my spirit God wanted to heal this man. I did not even allow myself to question God. I just said, “Yes,” pulled up to in front of the house and jumped out of the car. I said to the wife who was putting the walker in the car, “Do you all believe in prayer? She said, “Yes.” I said, “Can I pray for your husband?” and she said, “Yes.” I walked over to the front door of the car that was opened and where her husband was sitting. I asked him if I could pray for him. He said, “Yes.” So, I asked his wife to join me. Immediately her husband yelled at me and said, “Not now! We don’t have time!” I was shocked and I said, “Okay” and I left.

When I got back in my car, I was still a little shaken by his response. But God said, “He did not reject you, he rejected me.” God said, “I stopped by to heal him through your prayer and he did not have time for me.” I immediately started praying on his behalf and asking God to heal and forgive him. 

But that was not the end of the story. Later when God told me to tape the lesson about our neighbors and share it on social media. I said, “I don’t have time.” The Holy Spirit reminded me that I was just like that neighbor. I was rejecting God. God wants us to remember that he is in control of time. He put us here for his purpose and when we are in alignment with him, there is always time to do what we have been sent on earth to do.

Key points:

When the Holy Spirit prompts you to do something, pause and let yourself hear him so you can respond appropriately.

Remember man makes his plans, but God directs his path. 

Release control so you can hear God.

We are never to busy to for our Creator!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Delay is not Denial

