Prayer of the Week

Hallelujah! Thine be the glory, Hallelujah! Amen. Hallelujah! Thine be the glory, revive us again.

Father, thank You for these words. Thank You for reminding me that all my strength comes from You. Hallelujah! You are the glory! I praise You because You alone can revive me permanently. My joy is in You. I love what David said: β€œFor in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent will He hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.”

I see much trouble, I see fearful hearts, and I see intimidation because of man. But Your Word reminds me that there is none greater than You. Who can compare to You? No one is equal to You. You are higher than anything and anyone, outshining everything I can see in the skies. Hallelujah! You are greater than everything and everyone else, and You keep all the promises You make.

I pray for peace and rest in the souls of those who are worried and afraid. I know fear and worry are not from You. I pray that Your ministering angels move upon their hearts and bring peace. I ask that You silence the noise in their minds so they can hear You, for Your Word casts out all fear! Thank You, God, that You and You alone are the answer. I praise You for the access I have to You. Where would we go without You? My God, thank You!

I pray that You meet the needs of every soul in need of provision, for You are our source. I ask that You speak to the depths of their souls and let peace and joy become their anchor. Thank You, for there is nothing lacking in You, Jehovah Jireh, our provider. As I close this prayer, I ask for forgiveness of my sins and for help in forgiving those who have sinned against me. Let Your love reign through me. To You be glory and praise. Amen.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Prayer of the Week