Prayer of the Week
What an honor it is to be in Your presence. I surrender myself to You; I give You my will—have Your perfect way in me. Thank You for all the thoughts in my mind. Thank You for what seems chaotic to me. Thank You even for what is hurting me right now. Thank You for these emotions that bring me to tears. You know exactly what is in my heart! There is absolutely nothing You cannot handle. Thank You for every worry and situation, for they have drawn me closer to You. I may not have come to Your throne if not for these challenges, and I am so grateful that You know how to bring me here. You have already worked everything out.
My joy is in knowing that You desire to sit with me, to speak to me, and to share Your thoughts with me. Help me to let go of my own desires so that I may truly hear You. Thank You for Your endless love for me! I am overwhelmed—Your presence is more than this body can contain. Thank You for overflowing within me. Hallelujah! I praise You, God! Hallelujah, To thine be the glory! Hallelujah, Amen! Thank You for reviving me, restoring me, and transforming me. As I sit here, I receive a refreshing, a renewal, and a deeper closeness to You. Thank You for Your glory raining down on me right now! I love You, Lord. To You be all glory and praise, forever and ever. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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