Celebration Time!

"And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good."
—Genesis 1:31, ESV

It’s interesting to me that God gave me the title “Celebration Time,” yet I have no idea what He wants me to write about. But here we are—celebrating life, the incredible gift that God has given you! It’s time to celebrate you!

You have been chosen. You have been ordained. You are special. You carry greatness inside of you. And here’s the best part: It doesn’t matter if you don’t yet know Jesus Christ—everything written above about you is still true!

Your presence is a gift to the world and to everyone around you. Your eyes, your hair, your skin tone, your ears, your toes, your hands—every part of you has been intentionally and purposefully created by God. The way you think, the way you move, the way you dress, the way you smile, the way you say “hello”—all of it is unique and exquisite. You are a masterpiece that cannot be copied or imitated. Your voice and personality are one of a kind, custom-designed for this very season.

Take a moment to look at a flower and notice how intricately it is designed. Now consider this: God has put even more thought, care, and detail into creating you. Out of all His creations, you are His most special and cherished work. When God created everything, He declared it “good.” But when He created humankind, He said, “It was very good!”

It’s vital that you love yourself and never believe anyone who tells you that you are not valued, loved, or priceless. The fact that you are here means you are essential to this time and season. Your presence is necessary for fulfilling the plans and purposes God has designed for this earth.

Thank you for being you and for not giving up, even when life gets hard. Satan’s job is to make you feel useless, but the Bible calls him the “father of lies.” He loves to fill your mind with negativity, but don’t listen to him. Instead, tell him to shut up and get behind you! Say it out loud, and he will leave—but keep at it, because he’s persistent. Thankfully, God has given us the Holy Spirit to help us and to equip us with the power to silence every one of Satan’s lies.

We celebrate you and the greatness inside of you! The world is eagerly waiting to see what’s next from you.

Key Points to Remember:

  • You are deeply loved.

  • This world, at this exact time, was designed for you.

  • Your presence is essential to God’s plan.

  • Complete everything He has called you to do!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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My published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss


Prayer of the Week


Prayer of the Week