Prayer of the Week

The Lord is upright; he is my rock and there is no wickedness in him! Psalm 92:15, NIV

Jehovah Tsidkenu! The Lord my Righteousness!

All praise and glory to my King, my righteous God! There is no wickedness or untruth in you! You judge righteously for your grace and mercy is unexplainable! Hallelujah! I praise you that I am called righteous because of the blood of Jesus Christ which allows me to stand before your precious throne! Hallelujah! Oh God, How I honor you and give your praise! I lift my hands high and shout praises of joy! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You are my God, my Lord my King! Hallelujah! Everything you say comes to pass. Thank you for this honor to serve you and to worship you with all my soul!

I am so grateful that you have changed my heart towards you! Thank you for choosing me! I lift up every soul that you have chosen and I pray that their hearts are turned towards you. I pray that they are strengthen and full of the joy of the Lord! I pray your peace will reign in their souls as they rest in your presence. Thank you for your presence that restores, refreshes, heals, delivers and makes everything alright! You are the best God ever and there is none like you! I love you and I thank you in Jesus name amen!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Prayer of the Week


Prayer of the Week