Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

Obedience is So Important

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?” Luke 6:46, ESV

I was driving home from the Bay Area around 2:00 pm which is a high traffic time. I put my home address in the GPS to see if there was a shorter route. The GPS gave me directions to get off the main highway and head in a different direction. I had gone the way the GPS wanted me to go before, and I did not want to go that way because of all the back roads. So I did not follow those instructions I received. While sitting in traffic I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Why are you not following the instructions? If you don’t want to follow the instructions given, then turn it off. It is like me giving you instructions, but you want to do things your own way.” 

I knew then that I was in the midst of receiving a lesson from the Holy Spirit. I waited and then the GPS begin to say, “Take this next exit for a 20 minuets faster route to your destination.” I was like, “Oh yeah! I can do this because this exit will not take me back to that back road path that I had taken before!” But when I got off the exit it literally took me all the way back to the path I did not want to take. I was so bummed. As I sat at the exit it reminded me of how God gives us instructions, and we don’t follow them. But when we decide to obey him we start at that same place he told us to in the beginning. I started to tell God (as if he did not already know) that I did not want to go that way because I did not like all the back roads. About ten minuets into the route the GPS said there was a 30 minute delay on this highway so it began rerouting me to Interstate 5. I was so excited because that is the way I wanted to go in the beginning! The direction the GPS gave me to get back to Interstate 5 avoided all the traffic. I mean I literally traveled all the way to the Interstate 5 without any traffic! When I got back to the highway I was maybe 40 minuets away from my home.

I then heard the Holy Spirit say, “When you follow my instructions, it may not look like what you want, but I know what’s best for you and understand the desires of your heart.” I cannot begin to tell you the route I took to get home, but following those instructions brought me to where I was trying to get to without the Bay Area traffic! I believe that was God’s ultimate plan. See I wanted to avoid that back road path, but the Holy Spirit had never planned to take me that way. I just needed to do what the GPS said.

Obedience keeps us in alignment and gets us to the things God has put in our heart. Remember how King David stayed obedient to God and never put his hands on King Saul; even when God put King Saul into his hands? David did not take matters into his own hands. Every move we take does one of two things, it draws us closer to the desire God has placed in our heart, or it moves us away from it. If you want to receive all that God has for you, continue to walk in obedience.  What does that look like? Following his instructions. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul. Love your neighbor as yourself. Meditate on the word day and night. Trust in the Lord with all that heart, and lean not on your own understanding. That is exactly what David did he trusted God. When I was sitting with my GPS I was starting to lean on my own understanding and that was taking me out of alignment. Keep your heart after God and you will succeed in all that he has given to you!

Key points:

Faith is trusting even when you do not understand his instructions.

Every instruction has purpose.

Leaning on your own understanding will lead you out of his path.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

My Behavior does not Determine My Identity

For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21

I remember a deacon at our church let his daughter throw a party and they invited several of us from the church to come. They had great music and I love to dance so I got up and started dancing. I was having a great time and then the deacon came over to me and said, “How can you be dancing and you are a pastor’s kid? If God came back today, would you go to heaven?” In my mind I wanted to say, “Well you are the one hosting the party with the music so would you go to heaven?” But I did not. My parents had raised me to be respectful. I do not quite remember how I responded. However, for a long time that comment stuck with me. It made me think that I had sinned and God did not love me anymore and I was no longer righteous. I felt like I had to work to please God. 

The deacon was only speaking from what he knew. He did not realize that our actions do not determine our identity with Christ. Scripture teaches that For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21 When Jesus died and took on our debt of sin, he was righteous. He lived a righteous life on the earth and he offers that gift of righteousness to us. We were born with a sin nature. But when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior we move from a sin nature to a righteous nature. 

As a teenager I had already accepted Jesus Christ. So, way back then my behavior could have never affected my position in Christ. The behavior of dancing could have never taken me out of right standing with God. I went looking through the Bible and I could not find anywhere where it said that dancing was a sin. Actually David danced before the Lord! The Bible does say that behaving in a lewd way is a work of the flesh. So, we know not to dance in that way. But I believe that God wants us to enjoy the music, dance and have a great time. Listen, even if dancing were a sin, it could not remove me from my righteousness in Christ. Our behavior does not determine our identity. 

We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God’s glorious standard. Yet God, in his grace, freely makes us right in his sight. He did this through Christ Jesus when he freed us from the penalty for our sins. Romans 3:23-24, NLT

Key Points:

Righteousness is a gift from God.

Righteousness is my identity; even though my behavior may not be right.

God is not angry because you mess up. He already died for your mess up.

Obedience to God demonstrates our love for him.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Some years back, I remember my husband sharing with me this story of one of his friends who was moving into a new home they had purchased. They had this grand piano that they wanted to move into the house. Instead of hiring someone to help them move this into their home they decided to do it themselves. The husband was on one end and the wife on the other. For a little bit, it seemed that they were going to get it into the house without any problems. But at some point the piano became too heavy for his wife and she dropped it. Pieces of the piano fell apart and they still had to hire someone to help move it into their home. In addition to getting help to move it into the house they had to hire someone to fix the piano!

When the word “heaviness” came into my spirit that was the first thing that came to mind. Life happens and things just come upon us. In a span of maybe two weeks I was told that my cousin had fallen and was basically incapacitated and would be put into a nursing home. A dear friend had lost her husband due to cancer and another friend’s infant grandson had been admitted to the hospital. It felt like the load kept getting heavier and heavier, and although I prayed it seemed like things were getting worse.

One morning I laid on the floor and I just cried, “God!” Before I could get another word out of my mouth, I saw the blood of Jesus. I saw the power in the blood of Jesus: the healing, deliverance, comfort, and provision. I saw it all in the blood of Jesus! I can’t quite articulate how I saw it, but he showed me all the power running through the blood. I was praying for the answer and it was all in his blood. I just started pleading the blood of: healing, deliverance, comfort and I could feel change happening in each situation. As I prayed for others my own strength just increased! 

Later the Holy Spirt said, “Just like that piano was too heavy for his wife to carry, all the situations that you face are too heavy for you. That is why I am here. I am the mover and the fixer. It was never in the plan for you to carry anything, you were to bring everything to me and I would take care of every situation.” Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved. Psalm 55:22, ESV

Key points:

Heaviness is too heavy for you.

The power is in the blood.

Release the load to Jehovah.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

Grumbling Moves You

Then Amalek came and fought against Israel at Rephidim, Exodus 17:8, ESV

All the congregation of the people of Israel moved on from the wilderness of Sin by stages, according to the commandment of the Lord, and camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink. Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said, “Give us water to drink.” And Moses said to them, “Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the Lord?” But the people thirsted there for water, and the people grumbled against Moses and said, “Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?” So Moses cried to the Lord, “What shall I do with this people? They are almost ready to stone me.” Exodus 17:1-4

Two months after Israel left Egypt, they started to grumble and complain to God about food and water. God had brought them out of Egypt, delivered them from Pharaoh’s army and now they were complaining because they had no water. They had two choices to ask Moses: to seek God on their behalf, or complain. They chose to complain and they even said, “Is the Lord among us or not?” 

What they did not realize is that their complaining had given their exact location to their enemy. When we complain we move ourselves out of alignment with God and we open the door for Satan to bring on trails and tribulations. Scripture says, “Right there in Rephidim, where God had told them to camp, the Amalek came and fought with them.”  So Moses said to Joshua, “Choose for us men, and go out and fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the staff of God in my hand.” So Joshua did as Moses told him, and fought with Amalek, while Moses, Aaron, and Hur went up to the top of the hill. God gave Israel victory with Amalek, but they still had to fight the war. 

In scripture, we see again Israel was in route to the promise land and they grumble and complain again against Moses and God. From Mount Hor they set out by the way to the Red Sea, to go around the land of Edom. And the people became impatient on the way. And the people spoke against God and against Moses, “Why have you brought us up out of Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no food and no water, and we loathe this worthless food.” Then the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people, so that many people of Israel died. Numbers 21:4-6, ESV

We can learn from Israel that every time they complained it moved them from a place of peace and provision to a place of destruction and devastation. God has already ordained a good plan for our life. He has told us that we will have trouble and tribulations in the world, but to be of good courage because he has overcome the world. John 16:33. When things seem harder than we can bear, it is important that we do not allow ourselves to complain, but to turn to God and pray. We saw that every time Moses found himself in a difficult position he prayed and God answered him. Scripture says, “But truly God has listened; he has attended to the voice of my prayer.” Psalm 66:19, ESV. We have an assurance that God hears our prayers and that he will never leave us or forsake us!

Key points:

Complaining against God opens the door for Satan.

God has ordained a good and prosperous life for you.

Do not let your mouth move you out of alignment with God.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. John 15:4, NIV

I went out into my garden and I saw all kinds of vegetables growing on the vine. I was so excited! I harvested some of the vegetables and I told my husband that I was going to cook some for an event and take them there. My husband was like, “No, I would like some of the home grown vegetables too! You always want to give away what you get!” He was right, I love to give and see others enjoy the blessings of God! 

I was sitting down writing and the Holy Spirit said to me “fruit”. I love how he gives you one word and behind that one word is a complete teaching. He said that your plant went under pressure as a seed, burst open and is now producing fruit. He reminded me that every believer, whether they can see it or not, is producing fruit. Many times we look at our progress and if it is not where we think it should be we can get disappointed. A dear friend called me sometime ago whom I had not spoken to in quite awhile. I asked about her family and she was telling me everything that was going on.

Her grandson, a child with autism whom she takes care of is about nineteen years old. Because of some of his circumstances she is unable to physically attend services at the church. It may feel to her like she is not producing fruit because her grandson is not advancing as quickly as she would like. But God has put her assignment right in front of her and her grandson is watching her model the love of God everyday. Many times what God has assigned to us looks so different than what we think. She said that her grandson loves the Lord!

I was reminded of Ruth and how she married her husband Ruth 1-2. After ten years he died. She did not even get the opportunity to have a child with her husband. But God had another plan that would have her produce fruit that she could never have imagined. After moving away from her home town with her mother-in-law Naomi, God ordained another husband for Ruth and she would give birth to a son who was the grandfather of King David.

When scripture says that God knows us and he has ordained what is best for us, it may look dark and bleak in our circumstances, but as long as we stay connected to the vine, we are producing fruit! Most importantly, do not let Satan get you into a spirit of comparison, every tree blooms where they are planted. God has planted you and you are right where you need to be!

Key points:

We produce fruit even though we may not be able to see it.

Be encouraged, the path God has you on is the right path.

God never makes mistakes.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


My published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

You Are What You Eat

There is nothing outside a person that by going into him can defile him, but the things that come out of a person are what defile him.” Mark 7:15, ESV

I was sitting at the kitchen table writing because my hubby was following this recipe I had given him to cook. I was trying to help him and at the same time write. In the midst of our conversation, he said, “You are what you eat.” He was referring to how much time I spend studying and reading the word. I was telling him that I was excited about what God had just dropped in my spirit as I was writing. I get so excited when I am writing! God just drops a word and I know it only comes from him!

When my husband made the statement, I thought about how much information we absorb in a day. Our little grandson is five months old and while visiting us on the 4th of July, he was so stimulated by all the people that were at our house. It did not matter who was playing with him, when the door opened or someone else walked into the room his head would turn to see who was there. Although he didn’t yet understand, he was constantly gathering information. Daily we are feeding ourselves information; whether we know it or not.

Everything that comes to us we are eating. You have to purposefully make a conscientious effort to watch what you allow to get into your spirit. Many individuals pay attention to what they put in their physical bodies, which is good, but nothing is more important than how we feed our spiritual body. Listen, whatever you bring in, is what is going to come out. And what is in the heart defiles the person. I have purposely made it a goal of mine to not receive negative talk of any kind. Sometimes it drives my husband crazy, but I will not do it! One day I read this article or heard a teaching and the speaker said, “Go on a negative fast!” That has been the best thing for my life. I refuse to bring negative information into my spirit. I cannot look like Jesus and fulfill the call on my life allowing myself to eat junk! 

Satan is working overtime to devour believers and the way he does it, is through what we eat. I want to encourage you to pay attention to what you are listening to. Be aware of what you are thinking, do not let people just say anything to you, because that junk food will sit in you and take over. You will find yourself doing or saying something out of character and you will wonder, “Where did that come from?” It is all about what you allowed into your heart!

Heavenly Father, thank you for the reminder that everyday I am eating and what I allow in me can take me out. I ask that you will help me to remove all that defiles me. In Jesus’ name Amen!

Key points:

Eat a healthy well balanced meal of the word.

Keep junk food out of your heart.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


My published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

Why Negativity Creeps In

There are times when I can be sitting not thinking about anything and this negative scenario will play out in my mind. When I realize that I am just letting this play, I will stop and ask myself, “What are you thinking?” Instantly the scene stops. I asked God, “Why do negative, bad thoughts come into our minds? As much as we focus on the word of God, why does it seem that these negative thoughts come up?” He reminded me that everyday we have to meditate on his word. I reflected back on one of my mornings when I had gotten up early, had prayer and took off to an exercise class. I usually ask God everyday what scriptures should I read or listen to. One day I had forgotten to ask him because of my early class. I then literally went on about my day. I found that throughout the day I was irritable, snappy and just not really myself. I remembered my husband asked me, “Did you pray today?” Probably because he was receiving the blunt of my attitude. As I thought about what he said I realized that I had missed my time with God!

Because we were born into this sin nature negativity is apart of our behavior. It is a behavior we have learned and it slips into our subconscious mind without us even knowing it. Unless an individual is conscious of their response, negativity is usually the first response people give regarding anything. We have to train our brain to respond differently. We have to purposely pause before we respond and pay attention to what we are thinking about. We cannot let our mind go as it pleases. When we sit in God’s presence and have that quite time, it gives us what we need to  balance out information of negativity. The more we sit in God’s presence the more we fill our mind with him. Dr. Juanita Bynum said regarding negativity, “What has been in our mind the longest will be the first thing to respond.” 

I have banned watching the news because the focus is usually on feeding the audience sensationalism and negativity. There is enough of that in the world and we do not need to sit at the table and feed ourselves that meal. If you pay attention to the music you listen to and the movies you watch, it will tell you what you are pouring into your mind. Scripture says Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

The human brain needs a lot of energy to perform. But it takes even more energy to learn something new. When we set goals, have our study time, and know who we are in Christ, then we have an answer to negativity when it comes.

We can all change the world by how we respond to what comes through us. Scripture says, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” For what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. Matthew 15:11,18 ESV

Key points:

Pay attention to your thoughts.

What we feed ourselves is what we become.

Watch what comes out of your mouth.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


My published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…Proverbs 23:7, KJV

We must manage our thinking if we want to change and we must manage our mouths if we are going to produce. Solomon said, “As a man thinketh so is he.” I am what I have thought and I shall become what I continue to think. Why? Because my heart is the true identity of my soul. Scripture says that we should guard our heart with all diligence because from out of it flows the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23

I was sitting at the kitchen table writing devotionals and my husband was cooking. I had given him this recipe to follow. He needed some paper towels to soak up the oil that was coming from what he was cooking. I ran to the garage to get paper towels for him and the thought came to my mind that this is going to be a mess. Immediately I said, “No devil you are a lier!  This is going to be just fine! I caught the devil sending thoughts of defeat in my mind. If my spirit was not aligned with the Holy Spirit the enemy may have gotten me to speak those words! The dish my husband made came out excellent and was delicious!

The devil slips thoughts in our minds and many times we have no idea that we are being drawn into his trap. He does not come to you and say, “Hey its me Satan and I am coming to change your thoughts so that you will not receive all that God has planned for you.” No he slips into our daily lives and says the negative. Many times the thoughts can be true to what is going on in our lives. But we must align our words with what God says and not what we see. This is how the enemy slips in.

When I was taking swimming lesson the one thing I kept repeating to everyone is that I have problems with my breaths and so I could only swim so far. I would then flip over on my back and do a back stroke until I caught my breath. I remember praying asking God, “What was the problem? Why was I not able to move further in my American crawl stroke?” He then reminded  me of my words. He said, “Yes, you were only swimming so far and your breathing was not working, but that is what you have because of your words.” With the change of words and continued practice, I now say “With God’s help I can do the American crawl stroke across the pool.” I am changing the out come by the power of my words! 

Listen, when we speak concerning our future, we are not predicting, but we are pushing power towards ourselves! Every word is a container of power! Pay attention to what you are thinking because it puts power in your heart that causes you to speak it out of your mouth. Then you end up having what you have spoken!

Father, we pray for your divine help to have us recognize when our focus is off. I pray that we will seek you for our daily bread so that our hearts will be focused on the word of God and out of that your Holy Spirit will flow in our lives. We know that you have an abundant life planned for us and all we have to do is say what you say. Thank you Father for your help! We pray in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Key points:

The battlefield is the mind.

Power comes from our thoughts.

Pay attention to your thoughts because they can dictate your life.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


My published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

Stay the Course

I love getting up early and taking a run. On this particular morning, the temperature was going to get to 105 degrees, so I was out early. I had plan to do a four to five mile run, but about two and half miles in the Holy Spirit said,”Stop at that Starbucks and get a drink and walk the rest of the way home.” My first thought was, “No, I want to finish this run.” I wanted to finish what I had planned. But because of past lessons, I stopped at the coffee shop and I purchased the drink and started the walk. As I started walking I could not believe how wonderful it felt. There was a light breeze and everything just felt wonderful! I was like God this is such a perfect gift. Thank you!

While waking the Holy Spirit said, “There are times on this journey that you will be running and that is necessary. But there will be times that you will be walking just like this. Do not be discouraged because you are walking and things seem to be going slow. You are still on the right path and as long as you keep going, you will reach the intended destination.” It was such an encouraging message because at times when things do not feel like they are moving, or it looks like you are going backwards we can feel discouraged and just want to quit.

It reminded me of my sister-in-law who has been going through her journey to healing from cancer. One day she told me that she was tired of her body being tired. She said all she does is rest and she does not have the energy to do anything else. I told her if her body wants rest then that is what she has to give it. That is the season that she is in. Her body is still healing, but it’s just not moving like she would like it to. God is reminding us that no matter what our season feels like, or looks like, as long as we are moving with him we are in the right place!

Key Points:

Stay the course everything is just fine.

Every movement is purposeful. 

The spirit of God is your GPS.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


My published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: John 10:27, ESV

My hubby and I were out taking a walk and we came upon some sheep that were grazing on the grass. We stood for a while just watching the sheep and the goats moving about. There were quite a few lambkins that were also present. Many of them were making all kinds of noises. However, we noticed one sheep that came running over to be next to a little lamb. We knew instantly that was it’s mother.

My husband and I chatted about how that lambkin knew it’s mother’s voice outside of all the other sheep's noises. After that we stopped by a store to pick up some items from the pharmacy. While we were waiting I remembered that my auntie's birthday was coming up so I went to get her a birthday card. As I started heading over that way a thought came to me that I had birthday cards at home. So I went to sit back down, but then I felt like I still needed to go look at birthday cards. When I got over there I found the perfect one for my auntie. It said, “Happy Birthday Auntie” and it described her perfectly! I was so happy that we bought the card!

Then the Holy Spirit said to me, “The first voice you heard was me telling you to purchase the card and you immediately started to follow my instructions. Just like the sheep heard it’s mother and went straight to her. Then the enemy came along and tried to steal the simple instructions I had given to you. You paused and stopped, but I came back to you again and you followed me.” Satan is always looking to steal a word from us, even if it is as simple as purchasing a card. God is always teaching us how to hear his voice and recognize when we are being distracted.

The passage above says, “My sheep hear my voice, I know them and they follow me.” 

Key points:

The first instructions are aways from God.

The second voice is the enemy trying to steel the word away from you.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


My published books are now available at:https://www.amazon.com/s?k=Life%27s+Journey+volume+2+Jacqueline+Crooks&language=en_US&ref=nb_sb_noss

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

Prosperity is in Me

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

Prosperity sits inside of us and as we transform our mind we will see the results of those things that God has given us. God has given us all we need to become the individuals that he has put on the inside of each of us. When we think of Moses as a little baby floating down the river, the seed was inside of him to lead his people out of Egypt. Moses had to be in agreement with God when he was called. His mind was transformed as he said, “Yes.” Every step that Moses took in the direction of what had been assigned to him, transformation happened. At the end of his life he was not the same Moses as he was when he began the journey across the desert to tell Pharaoh to let the Israelite people go. 

My mind keeps going back to the seed. If you just grab a seed from inside an apple and just look at it you would not know that there is an orchard inside that one seed. Did you know that when you hold one apple seed you are holding an orchard? You ask how can that be? Inside one apple seed is a tree and that tree can produce up to fifteen hundred apples per year! Inside each one of those apples is at least two seeds. Now if you multiply those two seeds by fifteen hundred because that is the number of apples that one tree produces, you can end up with three thousand trees! And that does not even include the fruit those tress will produce. That is definitely more than one orchard! 

We are made in the image of God and if this is the prosperity God has put on the inside of an apple seed, which is here today and gone tomorrow how much more does he have inside each one of us? Did you notice that Moses’ gift did not just include wealth for himself, but for a whole nation of people. When we sit on what is inside of us we not only rob ourselves, but a whole host of individuals that God wants us to serve. Everything God has put in this earth is meant to serve others. It is to be a blessing so that everyone can be blessed. The wealth inside of us is for the world. Just like the apple tree produces enough fruit for many individuals, God expects us to do the same with the wealth he has given us.

God will never ask us to do something that we are not capable of doing. We have to continue to renew our mind and walk with him until the identity of our life changes. Moses walked with God and we see the identity of his life change in the doing of the work inside of him.

Key points:

Wealth sits on the inside of us waiting to be released.

The miracle happens when the mind is transformed.

The seed is transformed to wealth in the doing.


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

You Are Already It

Every time I go to my garden, God has something to teach me. The Holy Spirit just starts speaking to me about life. I’m really starting to believe that the garden is a foreshadow of life. This particular time I was looking over my squash and I noticed that there were a lot of fruit on the vine. I am always excited to see how the plant produces so much fruit from one seed! While reflecting on that thought the Holy Spirit said, “This will always be a squash plant.” 

When God speaks, there are so many other words that are not spoken, but a vision comes to mind. I immediately saw that whatever God called you to be; that is who you are. For instance, if God gave you a vision that you were a doctor and you had not even done undergraduate school, the fact is you are still a doctor. You still have to do the work to become that doctor, but you will always be a doctor. It is up to you to do the work to accomplish that position. 

On my squash plant some of the fruit that started to grow died on the vine. The Holy Spirit said, “This is what happens to those who stop moving in the vision I had given them.” He said, “Just because the squash plant did not grow into maturity of the fruit, that did not change the fact that it was still a squash plant.” 

He reminded me that just like my plant had obstacles that come against it, we will face obstacles as part of the process to come into our assignments. When we understand that not having enough money, or time, or energy, or skill, or knowledge to do the assignment is apart of the plan, we can rest when these issues arise. They are supposed to happen. He told us, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John 16:33, ESV. We now have the same Holy Spirit that was in Jesus when he was on the earth living inside of us. There is nothing that we lack when we turn to the power that is within. We can fulfill all that he has put inside of us because that is who we have been designed to be. 

I want to encourage you not die on the vine, but to tap into the power of your most trusted advisor and move in the victory that is already inside of you!

Key points:

You are already what God has told you.

You already have the ability to receive what he has promised you.

You are already successful, just don’t stop.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus Galatians 2:4, ESV

In the passage above Apostle Paul was speaking about some of his troubles that he ran into as a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. There were haters who lied on them because they wanted the Gentiles to keep the law to be saved instead of the free gospel of Jesus Christ that Apostle Paul shared. Actually Paul was a hater of the word before his conversion on the road to Damascus.

As believers, many have come to think that once you accept Jesus as your personal savior there will be no more trouble. I would venture to say that in some cases trouble doubles when you give your life to Christ. Why? Because when you accept Jesus Christ, you have said no to Satan and he is fighting to get you back. Scripture says that, Be sober [well balanced and self-disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. That enemy of yours, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8, AMP

We read all through the Bible where believers had haters and many of those started within their own family. Cain hated his brother Abel because God looked with favor on his blessing. God told Cain that he would look with favor on his blessing too if he did according to the will of God. Instead Cain murdered his brother, not because his brother did anything to him, but because he followed God! Remember Joseph’s brother’s hated him not because of anything Joseph did to them, but because of his father’s love. 

Our Father, God loves us so much that it will cause others to hate us even though we do not cause them any harm. I remember having staff who would go to my director and literally lie on me. They would sit before me and we would have these great discussions about their assignments and then right after the meeting they would go and make up a lie! The enemy is always looking for someone to use to take you out. But we never need to be afraid or worry, because God has sent the Holy Spirit who is with us forever! And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever, John 14:16, ESV

In this life we should not be surprised by our haters, we will have challenges and have to go through some difficult things, but Jesus told us that he would be with us in trouble; and he would rescue and honor us! Remember Daniel when he was in the lions den and God shut the mouth of the lion. Daniel was in the lion’s den because of haters. Daniel 6 We are to never fear haters they will come at you one way, but God will cause them to flee before you in seven ways. Deuteronomy 28:7

Key points:

Every believer has haters.

God knows our haters.

God delivers us from our haters. 

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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…for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything. 1John 3:20, ESV

Condemnation (in the greek): to give judgement against, to pass sentence upon, to condemn; implying the fact of a crime. 

Condemnation (dictionary):expression of very strong disapproval, censure. an adverse sentence.

The passage above is so encouraging. It reminds us that although our heart may condemn, and judge us as bad, God is greater than what we allow in our heart. Many times if we just listen to ourselves talk we are the ones who put ourselves down. Satan drops a thought and if we are not careful we will find ourselves agreeing with that thought and condemning our own selves.

But praise be to God! Scripture says there is no condemnation to those who are born in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set us free from the law of sin and death in Christ Jesus. Hallelujah! We may not be able to comprehend and understand it all in our minds, but we do not have to walk around in guilt and shame trying to make ourselves righteous when we have missed the mark. There is no way for us to be good enough to work our way back into God’s good graces. When we accepted him as our personal savior we took on the nature of righteousness.

For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Romans 8

Thank you Jesus that we have the power of the Holy Spirit who leads us to righteousness and reminds us that our sins have been covered by your blood. I am reminded of the Apostle Paul who said, O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?  I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! Romans 7

Listen, I love this scripture! It says, “Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous.” The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil. No one born of God makes a practice of sinning, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God! 1 John 3:8-9. Hallelujah! 

The only one who wants to condemn us and make us feel unworthy is Satan. We cannot live in condemnation and please God. Self condemnation tells us that we deserve punishment, but we must remember Jesus paid the price in full and we are free!

Key points:

Every believer is righteous.

Freedom came with a price and Jesus paid it in full.

Our behavior is not our identity.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

Audience of One

For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant[a] of Christ. Galatians 1:10, ESV

In the passage above Paul is speaking to those from the church in Galatia. He was reminding them that they cannot save themselves through the Mosaic law. Some men had come to the church telling the men of Galatia that they needed to follow the Mosaic law and be circumcised to be saved. Paul then tells them that they are not to do things to please man, but to please God.

At times in our lives many things can cause us to take our eyes off of pleasing God and to look at pleasing man. I have this cookie business and I remember that this one particular company asked me to make a specific cookie for their store. I agreed and made the requested cookie for their store. They were so pleased with the product that they asked me if they could have it specifically for their stores only. They had agreed to do all the promoting of the cookie so their customers would know it was there and the cookie would sell well. 

I was so focused on pleasing this client that I did not look to making the cookie to please God. I did not even check in with God to see if this was a flavor God wanted me to create! So after several months of the client consistently purchasing the cookies, they just stopped ordering the cookies. When I contacted them I got know answer. I went to God to see what I had done wrong. He sent me a word telling me to tell him “Thank you” for the closed door and to seek him for direction. My focus was on pleasing them and not on pleasing God!

Although, I was excited to do the best I could to please the client, the first person that was to  seek approval from was God. If we seek to please him then we are guaranteed everything; whatever we do will work out just fine. Scripture says to, “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you.” 

If we keep our audience to one, he will take care of all the things we are concerned about.

Take aways:

Focus on the Audience of One.

Direction comes from the Audience of One.

Success is unavoidable when the focus is to please the Audience of One.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

One Voice

So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people,  “Come, see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” They went out of the town and were coming to him. John 4:28-30, ESV

Samaria was originally the capital of Israel. But because of Israel’s disobedience to God it was conquered by Assyria. When Assyria conquered Samaria, the king of Assyria carried away ten tribes of Israel and took them to Assyria. The king then sent people from Cutha, Ava, Hamath, and Sepharvaim to inhabit Samaria (2 Kings 17:24Ezra 4:2-11). These foreigners intermarried with the Israelite population who were still in and around Samaria.

These “Samaritans” at first worshiped the idols of their own nations, but being troubled with lions, they supposed it was because they had not honored the God of that territory. A Jewish priest was therefore sent to them from Assyria to instruct them in the Jewish religion. They were instructed from the books of Moses, but still retained many of their idolatrous customs. The Samaritans embraced a religion that was a mixture of Judaism and idolatry (2 Kings 17:26-28). Because the Israelite inhabitants of Samaria had intermarried with the foreigners and adopted their idolatrous religion, Samaritans were universally despised by the Jews. https://www.gotquestions.org/Samaritans.html

In the passage above Jesus make a specific point to go to Samaria to speak with this Samaritan woman whom most of those in her town did not like. She was at the well to get water by herself because of the lifestyle she lived no one wanted to associate with her. But Jesus met het at the well and began to tell her about eternal life. Once Jesus finished sharing the word with her, her life was changed! Before she met Jesus the people of her village could only see the outer shell of her life. But the words of Jesus changed her so much that when she went back to her town everyone listened to her message. All it took was the one voice of this woman giving her testimony that brought the town to Jesus. John 4 It did not matter how she had lived her life in the past, the town witnessed the change and came to hear the word of God.

Key points:

Our past does not hinder the word of God.

We have everything we need to be a witness for Christ.

There is harvest right where you live, waiting to be harvested.

 Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


A squash that I was holding in my hand was pollinated by pollinators (usually bees). Another squash that was still on the vine started out strong, but because it did not get pollinated it died on the vine.

For some background, the male part of a plant (stamen) comes into contact with its female part (stigma) through pollinators and this then causes the vegetable to grow. As I was sitting with the Holy Spirit he said, “It is the same with believers. They first accept me as their personal savior and they are connected to me, but if they do not stay pollinated with the word of God they will eventually die”. 

He reminded me of the scripture about the seeds that fell on different soils. `People listen to the message about the kingdom of heaven. If anyone does not understand it, the devil comes along and takes the message out of his heart. That person is like the seed which fell on the road. Some seed fell on the stony ground. That is like a person who hears the message and right away. He is glad to hear it, but it does not go down deep in his heart. He believes it for a short time. When trouble, or  hard times come, he stops believing. Some seed fell among the weeds. That is like the person who hears the message, but he thinks about the things of this world. He wants to get money to be happy. These things push the message out of his heart. No good comes from it. Matthew 13:18-22. Some seed fell on good ground. Those are the ones who receive the word, retain it and put it into practice.

To keep ourselves growing and not dying we have to get pollinated regularly. How do we do this? We do it by studying the Bible, spending time in prayer, worshiping God, sitting with God, connecting with other believers and sharing the word. If we do not do this we will find ourselves like the scripture says, “The cares of this life will cause one to lose their life.” We do not want to end up like the dead squash. We want to be like the one that was pollinated! We want to hear Jesus say, “Well done thy good and faithful servant!”

Key points:

Staying pollinated keeps us fulfilling our purpose.

The pollen feeds our soul and keeps in alignment with God.

Without the pollen we die on the vine.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks

The Steps

But Ruth replied, “Don’t urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God. Where you die I will die, and there I will be buried. May the Lord deal with me, be it ever so severely, if even death separates you and me.” Ruth 1:16-17, NIV

Don’t try and change the way your path is moving. When you make plans keep them, it is so easy to put off our family. For example: you made plans weeks in advance to go with family to an event, but the same day of the event you get invited to a party to meet a person who might be very influential in advancing your career. It is a “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity and you are tempted to change your plans.  God said for me to tell you, “That moment is a test.” He is checking your character to see how committed you are to your word.

God knows everything that is happening in the world. He has ordained who you will meet and at what specific moment. When we are walking and obeying his word, he brings to us what we need. He gives us instructions on what we are to do because he has already made a way. I am reminded of Ruth the Moabite in the book of Ruth. When her mother-in-law Naomi told her to turn back and go home, Ruth refused. Even though Ruth had no idea where she was going, or what would come of her life, she had determined that she would not leave her mother-in-law Naomi. 

I’m sure that it would have been better and felt safer for Ruth to stay in her own county with her  family, but God had placed in Ruth’s spirit a love for Naomi that no matter what happened she would not leave her. Naomi was concerned for Ruth’s future and she did not believe that she had anything to offer Ruth, so she was encouraging her to leave. God had a plan for Ruth that no one could see. But he placed deep within her spirit the willingness to follow his steps. When Ruth and Naomi arrived in Bethlehem they had no money. Scripture says that Ruth went and gleaned behind the harvesters so that she could get food for her and Naomi. As God would have it and without Ruth knowing it, she picked grain in the field that would later become her husband’s. Because of Ruth’s obedience to the spirit that was leading her she became one of the wealthiest women in Bethlehem. She married Boaz and gave birth to a son who became the grandfather of King David.

The future looked bleak for Ruth, but she trusted the Spirit of God that lead her to the fulfillment of her heart’s desire. The way God leads us to our destination is never the way we expect. It will always come with challenges and shadows of death, but he leads us right through them. Amen!

Key Points:

Stay true to the vision God has given you.

Your character will always be tested.

The worst moments always brings victory when you stay the course.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him…Titus 3:10, ESV

I totally enjoyed watching Dr. Juanita Bynum’s @3With Me Bible studies. She would sit on the floor of her home at 3:00 p.m. every day and teach the word of God through Facebook live. Her messages were always so powerful, I would listen to them over and over again and take all kinds of notes. In truth, although she no longer does those FB lives I still go back and listen to those teachings. 

A few days ago, the Holy Spirit told me to go back and look at the journal that I used for her teachings. I came across some notes on the spirit of negativity and I knew that I was supposed to give you some of the points I wrote down. Negativity is apart of our behavior because it is learned and it slips into our subconscious mind. The first response that comes out of our mind to our subconscious is negative because that is what has been put there. 

When negativity is in our subconscious, that will be our first response until we chose to reject that first response in training our brain. The answer to changing our brain is setting goals and establishing who we are in Christ. A consistent prayer life defuses the negativity and stress because we receive the comfort of the Lord; even if things in our situation have not changed.

What happens to our brain when we operate in negativity? The moment a person express the slightest degree of negativity it increases negativity in both the speaker and the listener. We cannot listen to negativity and it not change us. When we sit and listen to someone who is constantly negative they are embezzling our life. They are stealing our life. Once the negativity starts messing with your brain it messes with our memory and cognitive thinking accurately. It hinders you from making right decisions. You can’t focus and you become scattered. It messes with your memory and causes you to forget who you are in Christ Jesus. It has been proven that the switch to turn off negativity is very difficult because the brain has been wired to absorb massive amounts of negativity.

What we hear and what we watch frames our thoughts and establishes who we are and what we do. Ten people full of negativity affected millions of people. And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them.” Numbers 13:33 The whole community that came out of Egypt was affected by those ten people. The consequences of listening to that negativity stopped anyone over 20 years old from entering the promise land! They chose to listen to the negative report! Joshua and Caleb were the only ones who joined the youth to enter the promised land because they did not listen, or believe the negative report. 

Christ calls us to be sober minded; which means to be sound in mind. Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8, ESV We can change our information right now. Scripture says physician heal thyself, we can do this through prayer and fasting. For twenty-one days fast no negativity. Do not read anything negative, or listen to any negative reports. If anyone comes to you and starts to speak negative cut them off and tell them you are on a negative fast. The spirit of negativity is from Satan and if he can keep you in that space, you will never experience all that God has for you.

Key points:

Listening to negativity embezzles your life!

Negativity is a spirit from Satan.

Negativity steals the soundness of mind.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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Jacqueline Crooks Jacqueline Crooks


And the chiefs offered offerings for the dedication of the altar on the day it was anointed; and the chiefs offered their offering before the altar…Numbers 7:10, ESV

A few months ago, the Holy Spirit had prompted me to do a vision book with my niece. She had come to visit and he had given me some instructions of what we were to do during our visit together. It is so amazing how God works! A few days after our visit together I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to listen to a message.

The message was all about “dedication” and what the word dedication meant. I knew immediately in my spirit that God was giving me instructions about the vision book. He was saying I would have to be dedicated to this vision for it to pass. The speaker was teaching from the passage of scripture Numbers 7:10-11. This is where Moses had finished setting up the tabernacle and had anointed and consecrated it with all it’s furnishings and now the Chiefs of the twelve tribes of Israel were dedicating offerings to God.

Dedication in Hebrew means: to choke oneself with a rope, to restrain, to restrict oneself. Everything that the Chiefs were dedicating to God for the tabernacle were strictly for the purpose of worshiping God. The items were holy and would never be used for anything else. 

When God gives us a vision, we are not to just be passionate about it, but to remove all obstacles to pursue that vision. We must be willing to remove any obstacle that would obstruct us from completing the direction God has laid in our heart. The speaker said, when we are in a dilemma on how we should move, we can ask ourselves does this contribute to the vision? The vision God gives us is always bigger than what we could ever think, or imagine doing. If your vision is something you can do on your own, then it is not from God. What he gives us will always require working with hm and he will be the only one who gets the glory! 

This reminds me of Moses when he sent his wife and their children back to his father-in-law for a season so he could be focused on the work God had called him to do Exodus 18:2. Now, I am not saying that we are to separate from our spouses, but we have to be so focused on what God has called us to do that we let nothing be a hinderance. I have found that getting up early in the morning while everyone else is a sleep helps me to get things completed. One morning while up working and praying the Holy Spirit said, “This is presenting your body, you are offering your sacrifice, your reasonable service unto God.” When we are dedicated to the vision God has given us and allowing him to work through us, we have surrender our complete will over to him. 

Remember the scripture, I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Romans 12:1 Dedication to the vision in love through the Holy Spirit is one of the ways we present our bodies to God, which scripture says is our “reasonable service.” Reasonable in Greek is lagikos which means rational or proper, or spiritual. Which is our worship to him. Obeying God is worship unto him! Amen.

Key points: 

We worship God through our obedience to what he has called us to do.

In the same way that Jesus did not wavier from his assignment on earth, we are to emulate what he did in all that he has called us to do.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

You can also follow me at JCCMinistriestv: 


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