Why Negativity Creeps In

There are times when I can be sitting not thinking about anything and this negative scenario will play out in my mind. When I realize that I am just letting this play, I will stop and ask myself, “What are you thinking?” Instantly the scene stops. I asked God, “Why do negative, bad thoughts come into our minds? As much as we focus on the word of God, why does it seem that these negative thoughts come up?” He reminded me that everyday we have to meditate on his word. I reflected back on one of my mornings when I had gotten up early, had prayer and took off to an exercise class. I usually ask God everyday what scriptures should I read or listen to. One day I had forgotten to ask him because of my early class. I then literally went on about my day. I found that throughout the day I was irritable, snappy and just not really myself. I remembered my husband asked me, “Did you pray today?” Probably because he was receiving the blunt of my attitude. As I thought about what he said I realized that I had missed my time with God!

Because we were born into this sin nature negativity is apart of our behavior. It is a behavior we have learned and it slips into our subconscious mind without us even knowing it. Unless an individual is conscious of their response, negativity is usually the first response people give regarding anything. We have to train our brain to respond differently. We have to purposely pause before we respond and pay attention to what we are thinking about. We cannot let our mind go as it pleases. When we sit in God’s presence and have that quite time, it gives us what we need to  balance out information of negativity. The more we sit in God’s presence the more we fill our mind with him. Dr. Juanita Bynum said regarding negativity, “What has been in our mind the longest will be the first thing to respond.” 

I have banned watching the news because the focus is usually on feeding the audience sensationalism and negativity. There is enough of that in the world and we do not need to sit at the table and feed ourselves that meal. If you pay attention to the music you listen to and the movies you watch, it will tell you what you are pouring into your mind. Scripture says Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2

The human brain needs a lot of energy to perform. But it takes even more energy to learn something new. When we set goals, have our study time, and know who we are in Christ, then we have an answer to negativity when it comes.

We can all change the world by how we respond to what comes through us. Scripture says, “It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles a person, but what comes out of the mouth; this defiles a person.” For what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. Matthew 15:11,18 ESV

Key points:

Pay attention to your thoughts.

What we feed ourselves is what we become.

Watch what comes out of your mouth.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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You Are What You Eat

