For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…Proverbs 23:7, KJV
We must manage our thinking if we want to change and we must manage our mouths if we are going to produce. Solomon said, “As a man thinketh so is he.” I am what I have thought and I shall become what I continue to think. Why? Because my heart is the true identity of my soul. Scripture says that we should guard our heart with all diligence because from out of it flows the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
I was sitting at the kitchen table writing devotionals and my husband was cooking. I had given him this recipe to follow. He needed some paper towels to soak up the oil that was coming from what he was cooking. I ran to the garage to get paper towels for him and the thought came to my mind that this is going to be a mess. Immediately I said, “No devil you are a lier! This is going to be just fine! I caught the devil sending thoughts of defeat in my mind. If my spirit was not aligned with the Holy Spirit the enemy may have gotten me to speak those words! The dish my husband made came out excellent and was delicious!
The devil slips thoughts in our minds and many times we have no idea that we are being drawn into his trap. He does not come to you and say, “Hey its me Satan and I am coming to change your thoughts so that you will not receive all that God has planned for you.” No he slips into our daily lives and says the negative. Many times the thoughts can be true to what is going on in our lives. But we must align our words with what God says and not what we see. This is how the enemy slips in.
When I was taking swimming lesson the one thing I kept repeating to everyone is that I have problems with my breaths and so I could only swim so far. I would then flip over on my back and do a back stroke until I caught my breath. I remember praying asking God, “What was the problem? Why was I not able to move further in my American crawl stroke?” He then reminded me of my words. He said, “Yes, you were only swimming so far and your breathing was not working, but that is what you have because of your words.” With the change of words and continued practice, I now say “With God’s help I can do the American crawl stroke across the pool.” I am changing the out come by the power of my words!
Listen, when we speak concerning our future, we are not predicting, but we are pushing power towards ourselves! Every word is a container of power! Pay attention to what you are thinking because it puts power in your heart that causes you to speak it out of your mouth. Then you end up having what you have spoken!
Father, we pray for your divine help to have us recognize when our focus is off. I pray that we will seek you for our daily bread so that our hearts will be focused on the word of God and out of that your Holy Spirit will flow in our lives. We know that you have an abundant life planned for us and all we have to do is say what you say. Thank you Father for your help! We pray in Jesus’ name! Amen.
Key points:
The battlefield is the mind.
Power comes from our thoughts.
Pay attention to your thoughts because they can dictate your life.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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