A squash that I was holding in my hand was pollinated by pollinators (usually bees). Another squash that was still on the vine started out strong, but because it did not get pollinated it died on the vine.
For some background, the male part of a plant (stamen) comes into contact with its female part (stigma) through pollinators and this then causes the vegetable to grow. As I was sitting with the Holy Spirit he said, “It is the same with believers. They first accept me as their personal savior and they are connected to me, but if they do not stay pollinated with the word of God they will eventually die”.
He reminded me of the scripture about the seeds that fell on different soils. `People listen to the message about the kingdom of heaven. If anyone does not understand it, the devil comes along and takes the message out of his heart. That person is like the seed which fell on the road. Some seed fell on the stony ground. That is like a person who hears the message and right away. He is glad to hear it, but it does not go down deep in his heart. He believes it for a short time. When trouble, or hard times come, he stops believing. Some seed fell among the weeds. That is like the person who hears the message, but he thinks about the things of this world. He wants to get money to be happy. These things push the message out of his heart. No good comes from it. Matthew 13:18-22. Some seed fell on good ground. Those are the ones who receive the word, retain it and put it into practice.
To keep ourselves growing and not dying we have to get pollinated regularly. How do we do this? We do it by studying the Bible, spending time in prayer, worshiping God, sitting with God, connecting with other believers and sharing the word. If we do not do this we will find ourselves like the scripture says, “The cares of this life will cause one to lose their life.” We do not want to end up like the dead squash. We want to be like the one that was pollinated! We want to hear Jesus say, “Well done thy good and faithful servant!”
Key points:
Staying pollinated keeps us fulfilling our purpose.
The pollen feeds our soul and keeps in alignment with God.
Without the pollen we die on the vine.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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