
The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; whom shall I be afraid? Psalm 27:1, ESV


The Lord is David’s revelation; he was in darkness but God revealed to him the light (what he could not see). Now that he sees, he understands that God is his deliverance and because of that who should he be afraid of? No matter what comes, why should he be alarmed? But also, the other part of that fear word is to stand in awe, to give reverence. Now that David has the light, he is saying “Who else should I revere? Who should I have deep respect for and be in awe of?”


He is saying “God is my fortified place, my fortress, my defense, my strength of my whole life” and then, once again he asks, “What am I going to be afraid of? meaning, to be startled by or in reverence of.


David makes it clear in just these two statements that there is nothing to fear but all to reverence. When I think about my life there has been so much that I feared. I let fear stop me not because God left me but because I chose not to believe in Him. Fear is the opposite of faith. God is consistently telling us not to fear and that He is with us. He does not want us to miss the blessing that fear is trying to stop us from receiving.


When I was younger I was afraid of saying anything wrong or of asking questions the wrong way so I would say nothing at all.


When I did that I missed my opportunity to be educated. I miss my opportunity to receive the abundant blessing and wisdom. See, if I had asked questions or said something I could have received the wisdom and understanding of that thing from someone who had already been through what I wanted to know. So I would have not only received the information, but the understanding of it and how to apply the knowledge in the right way. Satan’s plan is always to hinder us.


Shakespeare said, “Our doubts are traitors, and they make us lose what we often might win, by fearing to attempt.” What would you attempt in life if you were sure you couldn’t fail? Before you answer, read these words of David: “When I cry out to You…my enemies will turn back…I know, because God is for me” (Ps 56:9 NKJV). Believe that God is on your side today, then step out and attempt the thing you’re afraid to do! You’ll never be the same again—you’ll be liberated.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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