Right in Front of You
Renaldo and I were in Bellagio, Italy on Lake Como for vacation. We rented an Airbnb and after getting our villa we went to dinner. On our way back from dinner we got lost looking for our little villa. In Bellagio they have all of these beautiful cobblestone alleyways that go in all different directions and we took the wrong one. After walking around different alleys and getting lost a couple of times, we decided to put the address in Google Maps. We finally arrived at the location in Maps, but we didn't see our little villa.
There was a shop outside right where we were standing and instead of wandering around again we asked the owner if he could direct us to our place. He comes out, stands in front of us and says “You are here!” pointing to the door. We were literally standing right in front of the door and did not recognize it. We had the keys and everything we needed to get in but we did not even know we were there. We had walked past this shop at least twice which means we had passed by our place several times.
The Holy Spirit showed me that this is how we can be with Him. He has given us the keys and everything we need but because we do not recognize the area, we think we don’t have what we asked for. Many times we pray to God for something and He gives it to us but because it does not come wrapped up the way we think it should, we don’t realize our request has been answered.
For example, I prayed for healing of my blood pressure. The numbers kept getting higher even with medication. When we would find a medication that worked I would experience side effects and we would have to try something different. To me, healing looked like me never having to take blood pressure medicine again. But as I continued to pray God gave my doctor wisdom as to what would work for my body and now my blood pressure is normal. I take the medication every evening and I have no problems with blood pressure. Now I could say I am waiting for God to heal me so I won’t have to take any medicine. But the truth is as long as I take the medication I am healed of high blood pressure. Our Bishop always says God works both ways, through medication and miraculously. We must be willing to accept them both.
If you can’t see what you have prayed to God for, ask Him to open your eyes so you can see His answer. It may just be staring you right in the face, waiting for you to open the door.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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