Wait and Check-in
…be quick to listen… James 1:19, NIV
Many of us walk around with these little control devices, that fit in our purse, pocket, or our jacket. They are know by most as a cell phone but in truth they are much more than a phone. These little devices have become so important that most people will not leave home without them. They tend to have no boundaries with getting our attention. They will interrupt any conservation or thought at any given time unless its owner turns it off.
Some time ago, I was at a coffee shop ordering some tea when my phone rang. I immediately looked down to see who was calling. I was in the middle of a transaction but I let this device take my attention away from the person in front of me to see what information it was brining to me. I paused and I checked in with the Holy Spirit to see if I should answer the call and He said not now.
Later that evening the Holy Spirit reminded me to check to see if the caller had left a message on my phone, and they had. When I listened to the message it was so powerful and so important for me that I was so glad I had not picked up the call. I needed to hear that message over and over again. If I had picked up the phone call, I would not have been able to give the caller my undivided attention and I would have missed some important details of the call. But because I waited I could sit and ponder the message and hear all that God was saying to me.
Every time our phone rings or beeps does not mean we are to give it our attention. Most of our phones receive more attention than we give the Holy Spirit who is right next to us. I heard the Holy Spirit said to share with the people to wait and check-in with me before they pick up the phone. If He does not give you an answer it means do not answer the call. Only if he says yes are you to give the caller on the other end your attention. God knows exactly what we need and many times the call is just a distraction to get you off course. Satan is always seeking someone to devour and our phones have become an instrument that he can use. Remember when you hear that phone ring before you answer…wait and check-in.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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