Closer to God

Do you want to get closer to God? No, do you really want to grow closer to God? Perhaps you should wake up during the night watch. Throughout the day we talk to God while we are doing our work and holding down our responsibilities. But if you really want closeness with him, you will have to make a sacrifice and meet him during the night; when you are tired and sleepy.

Listen, I remember when I said to God that I wanted to know him more. I wanted a deeper revelation of his scripture and greater closeness with him. Do you know that he started waking me up between 1:00 AM and 3:00 AM in the morning? I mean I would really be awake! It was like someone had given me a shot of caffeine and I was wide awake! I would say to myself, “Oh, I am awake” and I would get up and go pray.

As I continue in this morning prayer, later he would wake me up between 12:00 AM and 6:00 AM and I would be tired! It was always a fight to get my body out of that bed. Sometimes I would lay there and say, “God is it time to get up?” I don’t even know why I would ask that question; except to stall for more time. Then he would just say, “Yes.” 

Now I purposely go to bed early so that I can be ready for the night watch. You may ask, “Why does it have to be done during the night hour?” I thought about my husband and I and when we have our most intent conservations and determined that it was during the night hour. We lay in bed, share our thoughts with one another and fall asleep in each other's arms. None of that can happen in the middle of the day unless we are on vacation and we set a specific time for it, but even then it is different.

Closeness with one another is greater at night due to having less distractions. It is the same with our Father. Distractions for the most part are removed and he has our undivided attention to hear him speak. Seek closeness with God. Set your clocks and make an appointment to meet with our King! I would not recommend going in with a long list of things, just go expecting to meet with him and to hear what he has to say to you. It will be beautiful!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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