The Garden Lesson

The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. Genesis 2:15, ESV

I never really liked farming. My parents grew up on a farm and used to talk about it all the time. My father even considered buying a farm as a young man and raising his family there. Whenever he tells that story, I always say, “I’m so glad things didn’t work out and God led you to the city.” But in 2020, God placed it on my heart to start a garden. A dear friend of mine had started one, and every time she talked about her garden, she would tell me how God would speak to her there.

As I listened to her share what she learned from her time in the garden, I would say to God, “I want that experience. I want to hear You like that!” God responded, “Start a garden!” I had no interest in gardening, but her testimony stirred something within me. There was so much He wanted to teach me, and the garden would be my classroom. Adam and Eve recognized the sound of God before they heard Him speak in the garden. Scripture says, “And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day…” (Genesis 3:8, ESV). God wanted to teach me to recognize Him before He even spoke.

The garden is a reflection of the world—a place that holds lessons about everything in life. We often don’t fully understand what we see or what’s happening until the Holy Spirit reveals it. God uses the garden to bring clarity to His word, and it becomes a tool to help us learn more about ourselves and Him.

One morning while I was praying, the Holy Spirit brought my garden to mind. He showed me my squash plant and said, “There is a reservoir of squash inside that plant. It will continue to produce squash until its season is over.” Then He said, “The same is true for you. There is a reservoir of everything I’ve placed in you, waiting to be brought forth.”

He told me that the desires He placed within me are ready to emerge. Everything He declared about who I am and what I am to do is already there, sitting in my reservoir—it is who I am. The seed of the squash plant is squash, even when it’s still a seed. It just waits for someone to plant it in the ground so it can become all it’s meant to be.

When my squash plant starts to grow, all kinds of things try to attack it to prevent it from fulfilling its purpose. Aphids, weeds, bugs, ants, spiders, and worms can invade and completely destroy the garden if I’m not vigilant with preventive maintenance. This is just like life. Satan sends obstacles to try to destroy us before we can produce the fruit within us.

That’s why we must maintain preventive care in our lives. God has given us the keys to success. He told Joshua, “This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success” (Joshua 1:8, ESV).

The Word of God is the wall that protects us from anything that comes against us. It is our assurance of success. Start walking in everything God has placed inside of you!

Key points:

Everything is in the garden.

You are not trying to become anything

You are already who God has said you are!

There is a reservoir inside of you.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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No Nutrients


The Speaking Vision