No Nutrients

One of the elders at our church shared with me that during her quiet prayer time with God, He said the church was unrecognizable. I knew exactly what she meant. The behavior of God’s people has gotten so troubling that no one can tell believers from nonbelievers. Her words moved me deeply, and I understood what God was conveying. Although many believers have accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and now have a righteous nature, their actions do not reflect Him, making it hard for unbelievers to see Christ in them.

As I meditated on this, it reminded me of a moment I had while running. The Holy Spirit prompted me to stop and ask two gentlemen if they were saved. The first one answered, "Yes, I’m saved," but his behavior and mannerisms did not reflect Christ. The second individual said, “I think I know God, but I’m not sure about being saved.” He had a spirit of humility, and his demeanor reflected Christ more than the one who claimed to be saved.

This experience reminded me of the soil in my garden. At the end of each season, I have to fertilize the garden again. Since all my boxes are above ground, the water washes the nutrients out through the bottom and onto the cement. If I don’t tend to my garden, it becomes unrecognizable, and weeds are the only things that grow there.

It’s the same for us as believers. If we aren’t spending time in the Word, continuously pouring into ourselves and revitalizing our souls with its nourishment, we can become unrecognizable. Our soil can become so dry and lifeless that we are no longer useful for the Kingdom. I am constantly renewing and enriching my soil to ensure that, when it’s time to plant seeds, they have everything needed to bear fruit. Time in the Word, prayer, and worship provide all the nutrients we need to produce fruit that reflects our Father.

Heavenly Father,
Glory and praise to Your holy name! I give You thanks for Your generosity, mercy, and kindness! You bring revelation to Your people so that we may pray and seek Your face in repentance. You told Solomon that if Your people, who are called by Your name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek Your face, and turn from their wicked ways, then You will hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. Praise be to You, God, for Your unconditional love is far greater than we could ever imagine. I pray for a heart of conviction among all believers, that it leads to sincere repentance. Lord, show us the plank in our own eyes before we attempt to remove the speck from our neighbor's eye. I pray for healing in our souls so that we may serve You with all our hearts and be a light to the world. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Key points:

Contamination happens in our foundation when there is no nutrients.

Study of the word, worship, prayer and fellowship with other believers are imperative.

Pay attention to your behavior, and those you hang around, it will inform you of who you are reflecting.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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The Garden Lesson 2


The Garden Lesson