Text Message
One early morning I was listening to Jehovah speak to me. I was just sitting, reading, and listening when I received a text message from my son. I knew better than to have my phone in my office when I am studying because it always causes a distraction. I only want to hear God and nothing else. My time with Jehovah is always amazing. He consistently pours into me revelation after revelation, and I do not want anything to take me away from that intimacy.
When I heard the chime ring from my phone, I immediately checked it. I was bummed that I let it distract me. I knew I had interrupted what God was saying to me. However, God in His graciousness still spoke to my soul. When I read the message, I was encouraged. My son was telling me how much he had enjoyed one of the posts I had sent out. My heart was filled with joy as I read his response.
Immediately I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “That is how I feel when my children take the time to read my Word. I know they will not understand everything they read; I know they will not get all the revelation of the reading the first time, but I am so proud when they read my Word. They are following my instructions, and we are having a conversation together.”
As I meditated on what Jehovah had just spoken to me, I was elated that our obedience could bring Him that kind of joy. God is not looking for perfection, He just wants our obedience. Scripture says obedience is better than sacrifice. King Saul had offered a sacrifice to God instead of obeying His instruction and that disobedience cost him his throne. Our obedience to God’s instruction is what pleases Him (1 Samuel 15). Jehovah wants us to know that what makes Him proud is when His children sit with Him and talk to Him about His Word. Hallelujah!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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