It Is None of Their Business

I was having a conversation with my sister when she mentioned not wanting to share her journey to healing with some of her co-workers. She said they were nosy, and it is none of their business anyway. I could totally relate to what she was saying. There are people who you just don’t want in your business and that is wisdom. You cannot tell everyone everything about you.


However, this was her journey to healing and the Word says that as believers we overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. She was not ready to share her journey because it meant she would have to be vulnerable about her illness. Vulnerability can be difficult because it opens the door for everyone else’s opinion. The definition for vulnerability implies that you are open to attacks, and open to being harmed. We all seek to protect ourselves, but Jehovah reminds us that He will protect us. He is Jehovah Shammah and He is always with us. When we become vulnerable and share our story it allows God to demonstrate His power through us. We become His vessel for others to taste and see Him.


She told God she did not want everyone knowing her business and God said, “Your business is my business, and everyone’s business is my business.” It does not matter who knows your business. We can get so caught up in our personal insecurities that we close the door for God to use us even though He has allowed us to be in that place of difficulty to be a testimony for Him. Our journey is not about us. When we say we surrender all to God, He takes us at our word! We have to remember the earth is over four billion years old and we were hand selected for this specific season to be used by Him and bring glory to His name. Our assignments are to walk in our faith and to draw the world to Him! Amen! Let us rejoice and again I say rejoice!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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