
Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit. John 15:2, ESV

My husband was saying that it seemed like he had just trimmed the bushes in our yard a few weeks ago, yet now they needed trimming again. It's amazing how God brings certain thoughts to mind when someone is speaking! I immediately thought about people and wondered, how often does God have to trim us back?

In the passage above, it says that even if we are bearing fruit and doing well, God still prunes. Often it has nothing to do with us doing something wrong. We may be growing in the right direction, but the trimming helps us produce more fruit. In essence, pruning brings us closer to the image of Christ and allows us to produce more fruit.

We have a tangerine tree in a pot on our backyard patio. The tree is growing well, but the branches are getting too tall and stretching in all the wrong directions. We need to prune the tree before the branches get too thick and hard to cut. The tree is doing exactly what it’s supposed to, growing and producing fruit, but we have to keep it trimmed so that it will be strong enough to produce a greater harvest of fruit.

I remember when I was working for a company that had a program that allowed employees to attend college for free while working, to further their education. I was selected for the program, and I was so excited to start attending night classes. But my husband began complaining that I was always away from him and the kids. Even though I thought I was doing this to benefit our family, he didn’t feel the same way. I was upset, so I went to God and asked him if attending this program was really for me. I was shocked when God said, “No, this is not what I have for you.” I responded, “But God, this is my job—what am I supposed to tell them, that I can't continue the program?” I don’t remember if God gave me a direct answer, but a month or two later, the program was canceled. I had been growing, but God was giving me a pruning. I don’t know why he changed my course, but that branch needed to be cut off. When God trims us, it may involve something good that just isn’t meant for us. We must trust him in all things, knowing that every day he is working things out for our good; even when the pruning doesn't feel good.

Key points:

Pruning does not feel good, but it is necessary.

Pruning does not mean you have done something wrong.

A great thing is not always the right thing for you. Submit to God’s direction.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Testimony at the Hospital #2