Testimony at the Hospital #2

The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; Matthew 9:37, ESW

My niece and I had been sent by God to the hospital to pray for individuals. When we got to the hospital we thought that our assignment was to go into the hospital, but we learned that our assignment was on the outside of the hospital. God said, “Go to the hospital,” but he never told us to go inside. There were four people standing outside the hospital next to signs that looked like union workers who were protesting against something concerning the hospital. They had at least four of these five foot signs that spoke to their issue. There was a person standing next to each sign so a total of four people.

God lead us to speak to all four of those individuals. I have written about the testimony of the first person we spoke to in a previous post. After we finished speaking with him and praying we walked about eight feet and there was a woman who was standing holding the next sign. We asked her if there was anything we could pray with her about. She was apprehensive about us and we just stood and let her ask all of her questions. She wanted to know who we were praying to and we said to her, “That was a great question,” and it seemed to lighten her heart. 

I love how God is always in the midst when he sends us on an assignment. He knows who you will meet and he has prepared you for what you need to say. The young lady told us how she would like us to pray for her. She did not want any anointing oil. She did not want us to hold her hand, and she told us that she was working so she had very little time. We honored everything she said and we prayed the request that she had given us. Even though we did not get to minister to her the way we would have liked, God gave her what she needed. We were there for him and he knew what she was in need of. Our short time with her reminded me that we do not need to add anything to what God is doing. We just need to follow his lead. When Peter went into Cornelius, the centurion’s home he had no idea why God had sent him there, but he just followed how the Holy Spirit directed him and a whole family was saved. Acts 10. 

When God calls us to be the laborers in the field he already knows how to harvest his fruit. Our job is to let him lead and obey the promptings he gives us.

Key points:

Every soul is harvested differently.

Sometimes you will not be allowed to quote a scripture, but you are the written word.

Do not be discouraged by the way individuals respond. God is dealing with their heart.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Testimony at the Hospital #3