Adjusting with God’s Instructions

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ESV

I love hearing God talk to me but I don’t always like what He has to say. Scripture says that God’s word is for teaching, reproof, correction and learning righteousness. It’s the reproof and correction I am not usually fond of. But just like any good parent, we must be corrected and told when we have done something wrong. I have found that immediately repenting for the action is always the best way to move. Trying to justify my behavior only leads me into further misalignment with God.


This particular incident was not so much about what I had done wrong, but about a relationship God wanted to change in me. Sometimes God chooses to move people out of our life for a season or at times permanently. Looking back, God showed me it was those individuals I was close to and admired that He gently moved away. He told me that those friends were there for the season in which I needed them. It is so hard to let go of those we have come so close to. To understand this, He gave me this example: When a baby is young you give them a bottle to feed them. They always look for that bottle because it gives them comfort. As they get older the bottle has to be removed. At times the baby will cry for the bottle, but eventually they will move past that stage in life and never look for the bottle again.


Some friendships may have lasted longer than their season. Friendships out of season are no longer serving us. We have to be okay with moving on. God brings some that will last a lifetime but we have to be okay with the ones He sends away. They may have served you in one season but when it is time, they have to move on to serve others.


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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God’s Desire verses My Desire


Spiritual Blessing Chosen