The Prayer of the Week
April 20thThis is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it. Father, no matter what is going on in my life right now I rejoice in you. I thank you that I am in you and you are in me. Thank you for the scripture that reminded me that you made this day. You gave me this gift and everything comes from you. Everything is made by you and all belongs to you. Oh how I worship you!
I don’t take the good times, or the hard times for granted. Actually, I run from the hard things I don’t like them, but I know that you are with me. I know that you have the best in mind for me. I know that you are doing an amazing work in me. Hallelujah! Father, please keep up the work; no matter how much I whine. Do what needs to be done. I know that soon this will come to pass and I will see and experience the good you have worked out for me. I pray for my loved ones and the suffering they are experiencing; whether it be physical, spiritual, mental or emotional. I am so grateful that all the healing is in your hands and you are taking care of them!
Thank you for the healing scriptures that bring confirmation to my heart that everything is for a season and you are the one who heals us. You know that I love Psalm 139. Every time I read it I am uplifted; no matter what I am facing! To you be glory and praise ELOHIM! You are the Creator and owner of it all! Hallelujah!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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