Prayer of the Week

April 13 Hallelujah my Father! I lay still before your throne. I hear my heart beating and I can hear the silence around me. I know that you are here with me. I remember the scripture that says, “Enter into your gates with thanksgiving and come unto your courts with praise.” My soul quietly thanks you and praise rises out of my spirit. I thank you for this peaceful, quiet place you have given me at this moment in time with you.

There are so many things and people to pray for! I don’t even know where to start. But you gently guide my heart in gratitude and I begin to thank you again for all those that you have brought into my spirit. You know each and every one of them. I realize that you know what they are going through and you want me to praise you for their journey and your covering. It is just so good to know you. I pray for those who are lost and don’t know you. I pray that their hearts will be turned towards you. Thank you for letting me pray for others. Thank you for using me and for drawing me to your throne. Thank you for allowing me to have this intimacy with you. I am forever grateful! To you be the glory and praise! Amen!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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The Prayer of the Week

