The Holy Spirit
But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the [a]Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you [to be in close fellowship with you] John 16:7, AMP
For the year 2024 the focused teaching of our church will be on the Holy Spirit. Our Bishop spoke a bit about the scripture above in Bible Study. The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus Christ and comes upon every individual who receives him as their personal savior. Immediately the spirit of Jesus Christ dwells within you. He comes and takes up residence in you. In the verse above Jesus was telling his disciples that when he leaves he was going to send the Helper, the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit prompted me to look up the words in the verse above that describes him. In the past this had always been my practice when I read the Bible, but I had gotten away from it. So when I did this exercise it was exhilarating! The Holy Spirit was reminding me of the power that I had within me. When we do not know what is ours, we behave a certain way. We would all probably live a little differently if we received a call informing us that we received an inheritance in the amount of ten million dollars! Having the additional funds would make a big difference in our decision making for our future! It is the same when you know the Holy Spirit and the power that you have immediately in your arsenal!
The Holy Spirit is the ultimate power source! First of all He is the Spirit of the Creator of this world! He has always existed and he knows every single thing that is happening in the earth! Now he has chosen to be our personal advisor, who intercedes for us at any given moment when we ask for help. He is there to help, lead, guide, defend, provide, advise, make us stronger and he stands by waiting for us to check-in with him. He has every resource available to him. There is nothing that we lack when we seek the Holy Spirit! And most importantly, he wants to have a relationship with each and every one of us. We have the ultimate power!
I listed below the definitions of the words I looked up. I pray they will help you to get to know your most trusted advisor.
Helper: One that helps
Comforter: In the Greek the word is paraklesis “a calling to one’s side” beside, to call; either an exhortation or consolation, comfort Merriam-Webster: HOLY SPIRIT; One that gives comfort
Advocate: one who defends or maintains a cause or proposal; one who pleads the cause of another before a tribunal or judicial court; to plead in favor of
Intercessor: the act of interceding; one that intercepts; a light high-speed fast climbing-fighter plane or missile designed for defense against raiding bombers or missiles. Romans 8:26-30
Strengthener: to make stronger Ephesians 3:16
Standby: one to be relied on especially in emergencies; a favorite or reliable choice or resource
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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