
What kind of legacy are you leaving? I had the opportunity to go to a celebration of life for one of the mother’s of our church. She was such a sweet and kind lady. Every time I would see her she would have a smile on her face and was always dressed up. I did not know her when she was younger. I have only known her for around seven years.

She had a stroke which left her unable to speak, but she was able to move around quite well. During the celebration service those who were on program spoke about all the things she had accomplished in her life. She was a real activist for people and the community. She put her daughter through the best schools and worked hard to make sure that she brought good to the world. Her daughter had become an attorney. The more I listened no one ever talked about the things she had acquired. They mentioned that she liked to always dress well and wanted everything done in a very elegant way. She was an intelligent and sophisticated woman.

Later as I reflected on celebration service, I thought about how so many of us spend our lives trying to gather things that we don’t even get to keep. Those things get passed on to someone else and we transition to some other place. I thought Satan has really gotten people tricked into believing that acquiring and positioning ourselves to have the most and the best is the greatest thing on earth. But in truth, if we are no loving God and loving each other we have missed our true purpose and the things we gather will never be able to stand up and speak for our character. 

I knew that the lady who died had several properties and that she had a beautiful home living on a lake, but that is not what spoke for her. It was how she made people feel and the impact she had on the community; while at the same time enjoying life and gathering some nice things. It is so important that we understand that we are not here to chase after things, but to share the love of Christ and to be his example to the world.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Prayer of the Week


The Holy Spirit