Prayer for the Week

Heavenly Father,

What an honor it is to just sit before you. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be in your presence. I love how David said, “Blessed be the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me. Bless your holy name! My soul blesses you. My spirit rejoices that we can be in the spirit with you. Scripture says that you inhabit the praise of your people. Hallelujah! I am chosen by you! I am one of your people. I rejoice that you hear my prayer and you attend to it! My God, thank you!

Praise you God that this is a spirit to Spirit thing. Scripture says, “They that worship you must worship you in spirit and in truth”. Thank you for teaching me how to worship you in the spirt. Thank you for offering the world this opportunity to be with you! I praise you that every single person can have this amazing gift! Father, I pray that you will touch the hearts of the lost and that they will be drawn to you. There is so much hungry and despair in our world. Everywhere I look there are problems and evil being portrayed as righteousness. But praise God, you know the thoughts and hearts of all man! There is nothing hidden from you and I pray that hearts are  transformed! To you be glory and praise! Amen! Hallelujah!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Prayer of the Week


A Brighter Day is Coming