Prayer of the Week

Gracious Father,

The joy of coming before your throne and knowing that you know everything about me, just humbles my soul. I come before your presence with thanksgiving and I enter into your house with praise. My thanksgiving is not an act, but from the depths of my soul. I say thank you! I thank you that I do not have to put on any kind of a show, or be like someone else. You receive me as I am and you love me. What an overwhelming concept that every blemish of mine is before you and you love me as I am. I thank you Holy Spirit for hovering over me as I sit at the throne. I thank you Yusha for being my meditator and for giving me this place before Adonai.

Thank you that you are changing and transforming me. My soul cries out with praise that I will never be the same! You have come and placed yourself in me. You teach me all about you. You bring to me the desires of my heart. You are transforming me into the beautiful being that you designed before the beginning of time! Wow! Who am I that you would have such a plan for me? Almighty God I praise you with all that is with in me. I give you my, “yes.” I stand before you to receive my daily bread and to invite you to have your complete way with me. I praise you that I have been blessed with the awesome opportunity to rest in you and enjoy this life! In Jesus’ name amen!

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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Prayer of the Week


Prayer for the Week