A Gift
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16, NKJV
I was sitting on the floor of my office praying when the song I Need Thee Every Hour came to mind. I started to hum the words and was I reminded of my grandmother. She used to sing that song with such passion that tears would roll down her face. The first time I remember seeing her do this, I was in my twenties. I didn’t fully understand the depth of her relationship with God or the urgency she felt in her heart for Him.
At that time, my grandad had passed away, and my grandmother was living alone. She was a strong woman, and in my eyes, she seemed to handle life with confidence. Looking back, I now realize how desperately she depended on God. It never occurred to me then that she might be struggling. To me, she was just my grandma—a strong businesswoman who cried out to God with unwavering faith. My grandfather passed in his sixties, and my grandmother lived into her late eighties, spending many years without my grandad’s support.
As I sat in my own desperate moment, seeking God, memories of my grandmother flooded my mind. My heart was very heavy, but I began to thank God. Although I didn’t understand then why my grandma acted the way she did, she had shown me how to turn to God in times of pain and suffering. I became so overwhelmed with joy and gratitude that God would bring back those precious memories to remind me that everything was going to be alright. I was so grateful that my grandmother loved God so deeply. Even though I didn’t know the problems she faced, she taught me through her actions about the invaluable resource of faith.
Every day, we have no idea who might be watching us. That’s why it’s so important to let God’s love shine through us and to live our lives for Christ. We are a witness now, and we continue to be even after we’re gone. I doubt my grandma ever realized I was paying attention during those emotional moments, but she left me a priceless gift. I pray that we can all do the same.
Key points:
Pay attention to the gift you are leaving.
Everyday your actions are providing a message.
Your actions speaks louder than your words.
What is inside you will always shine through.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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