The Night Call
The darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you. Psalm 139:12
We had a family wedding to attend, so our daughter and her family, along with our son, came home for the occasion. Our grandson is about six months old. One early morning, I was up writing and listening to God when I heard him crying. I heard my daughter get up, warm his bottle, and then head back upstairs to give him what he needed. After that, I noticed that I didn’t hear him anymore.
Since our grandson can’t yet tell his parents what he needs, they use an app to help. The app on their phone reminds them of his feeding times and nap schedule. His diapers have a blue line that indicates when he’s wet and needs changing. They prepare bottles, diapers, and everything he needs ahead of time, so when he cries, they’re ready to respond.
The Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, I am always with you. You can speak to Me anytime, about anything. It doesn’t matter the time of day—I am always available. He reminded me that He knows our thoughts, and even before we speak a word, He knows what we’re going to say. He said, Your daughter uses all these tools because she doesn’t yet understand the language her son is speaking. He speaks from the realm he just came from, and she’s trying to help him communicate in this one. But I am God, and there is no realm I don’t know, for I created them all.
He reminded me of how the blood of the lamb was spread over the doorposts of the Israelites in Egypt. God had already prepared them for what was coming. He provided what they would need to eat, instructed them to be packed and ready to go, and even equipped them with wealth for their journey. Even in our darkest hour, whether we’ve brought the situation on ourselves or not, the Holy Spirit is with us, ready to give us direction. Scripture says, Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is bright as the day, for darkness is as light with you (Psalm 139:12). When we call on the name of the Lord, no matter the hour, He will come near and give us what we need.
Key points:
There is not a time in your life that God is not available.
He will answer you in your darkest hour and give you what you need.
He has already prepared everything for you.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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