The Lesson in the Present
I was sitting outside in our backyard, writing, when I noticed a tiny, tiny creature, maybe the size of a pinhead, scurrying along my computer. My first thought was, God, how can there be life in something so small? I would not have even noticed it if it hadn’t been moving so fast. This prompted me to start writing. I was thinking that God shows us evidence of His majestic power and presence every day, but often we miss what’s right in front of us.
It was only a few weeks earlier, I’d felt a deep desire during prayer to ask God to let me experience Him in a new and different way. In reality, God was saying, Jacqueline, I need you to speak this word out loud, because I have more of Myself that I want to reveal to you. God places desires in our hearts, and we must speak them out for those things to manifest in our lives. I was speaking what God had already placed in my heart.
At that moment, I noticed another small spider on one of the chairs next to me. It was moving around and seemed to be looking directly at me. Although this one wasn’t as tiny as the first, I probably wouldn’t have seen it if it hadn’t been moving. It felt as if it were looking right into my eyes! It would turn in the opposite direction, then pause and look back at me before finally going on its way.
As I reflected, the Holy Spirit spoke to me, saying, So why are you afraid of any situation, circumstance, or person in this world? Why would you doubt Me? I made you fearless! Who else in this world can create life like this? There is absolutely no one and nothing greater than Me! Fear nothing! I began to praise God, feeling overwhelmed by this revelation. He used the smallest creature I could see on earth to help me understand that He is inexhaustible!
Key points:
ELOHIM, the Creator
He is in the present, don’t miss Him.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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