The Invisible is Real

For everything was created by Him, in heaven and on earth, the visible and the invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things have been created through Him and for Him.
Colossians 1:16, CSB

Many times, when I am in prayer with God, He stops me on a word and just has me sit with it. During one particular prayer time, I remember quoting the scripture above. I can’t tell you why, but as I spoke those words, the Holy Spirit lifted the word invisible. I don’t think I even finished quoting the rest of the scripture; I just stopped and focused on that word.

He elevates words and thoughts while we are speaking because prayer is a dialogue. It’s so important to remember this, or you might miss when He is speaking directly to you. I sat and meditated on what He was saying, listening as God spoke.

He began to remind me of the things that are invisible: God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, my mind, my breath, my thoughts, my emotions, my soul, my spirit, my words, my sight, the air, the sound—and the list goes on. I remember Him saying, The most important things are invisible.

Many people are so busy trying to obtain what they can see in the flesh that they miss what is most valuable. Even now, as I write this, I am depending on the invisible to manifest the visible. I am relying on what I cannot see or touch to share this message with you. People often ask, How can you believe in a God you cannot see? My response is, How can you not? The things we depend on most in our daily lives are invisible. For a moment, imagine your life without thoughts, words, sounds, breath, air, your spirit, your soul (mind, will, and emotions)—and Jesus. I haven’t even added God into the equation because those of you who have accepted Jesus Christ already know what life is like without Him.

The word "invisible" in Greek is aoratos, meaning "unseen." I love how God has left the most important aspects of our lives unseen. God the Father, God the Son, and the Holy Spirit are physically unseen, yet their presence is evident all over the world. Similarly, our mind, will, emotions, breath, words, and thoughts are unseen, yet they manifest in our lives every day.

We call supernatural healings “miracles” because we cannot see them happening. But may I suggest to you that every day you witness supernatural miracles in your own life? They’ve become so common that we sometimes overlook the blessings God has bestowed upon us.

Jesus is real. God the Father is real. The Holy Spirit is real. You are real. The invisible is real!

When I was younger, I remember hearing a song sung in church. Some of the lyrics went:
I'm looking for a miracle, I expect the impossible, I feel the intangible, and I see the invisible.

As a child, I sang those words without realizing the miracle was already within me. Now, I see the invisible every day, and it is real.

Key Points:

  1. Just because you cannot see something with your eyes does not mean it is not real.

  2. Every day, you bring the invisible into the present.

  3. You operate in the same image of God.

  4. God said, Let there be light. What are you saying?

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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