Delay Does not Mean Denial

Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.
Psalm 37:5, ESV

There have been times when I think about the promises God has made to me that have not yet come to pass. If I’m honest, I sometimes get discouraged. I often ask God, What am I not doing? What do I need to do? Why hasn’t this happened yet? It feels like others are receiving their blessings while I’m still waiting.

Not too long ago, God reminded me of a dear friend and his experience. We know this lovely couple through our daughter, who became friends with their daughter. The father of this family was a pastor at a thriving church. He loved the people, the community, and always believed the best for everyone. The church was part of a larger organization that had governing positions individuals could be elected to. At some point, our friend decided to run for one of those positions. He was so well-loved and respected that everyone assumed he would be appointed. But God blocked the appointment.

When you don’t know what’s happening behind the scenes, it can sometimes seem like God is not on your side. However, a few years after the election, we learned about significant corruption within the organization. God was preparing to reveal the corruption and bring those involved in illegal activities to justice. By blocking our friend’s appointment, He was protecting him from getting caught up in the mess.

Now, years later, our friend has been appointed to the position, and he is thriving! God had placed the desire in his heart, and His answer was always yes—it was just in God’s timing, not ours. We must remember the scripture: Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path. Discouragement comes when we rely on our own understanding instead of God’s. We must remember to walk by faith, not by sight. His plan is always perfect!

Key Points:

  • There is purpose behind every move.

  • Delay does not mean “no”; it means keep the faith and trust God!

  • Our understanding is never the same as God’s.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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The Invisible is Real