His Glory
“Have you commanded the mornings since your days began, and caused the dawn to know it place.” Job 38:12, ESV
I went to a meeting to make a presentation about partnering with a company to sell my cookies. I thought I had it all together and that I was ready for the presentation. I found that I was totally unprepared and did not realize it until everything was over. When I started to analyze what I had done, a feeling of heaviness set in and somehow the situation played over and over in my head. I found myself trying to get out of that rabbit hole.
I started praying, but I was consumed with what I had done and it didn’t seem like my prayers were going anywhere. I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Get your Bible and read it!” I love how God brings us into focus. I had no idea what to read, but he said, “Open the Bible and I will direct you on what to read.” My Bible fell open to Job 38 and I began to read. When I got down to the twelfth verse, I stopped and just listened to God. He began to speak to my soul. I read that verse over and over again.
“Have you commanded the mornings since your days began, and caused the dawn to know its place.” Job 38:12, ESV As I sat and meditated on that scripture I felt all the pressure leave me. I felt all the worry leave me. I felt complete peace. My situation had not changed, but I realized that he knew what had happened and he had already fixed my problems. This meeting was to teach me what I still needed to do and where I was lacking. How could I have known if I had not gone through the exercise? I was being taught by God. It was a training course so that I would be prepared for what was to come.
God reminded me that in everything the I AM is there! He is in the midst and in every situation, he knows the outcome. This year God has me writing about his glory and this message once again directs us to the place of magnifying his glory! Amen! To God be the glory!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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