
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1, ESV

I had been meditating on some scriptures from our Bible Study on the Holy Spirit. In doing so I   wanted to read and sit with the scripture that said, “…and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” When I started reading that scripture I heard the Holy Spirit say to me, “Are you so focused on what you want to research that you overlooked the first verse? Do you want to spend some time with me while I tell you about this setting?”

Immediately, I remembered what He had spoken to me some time earlier that month. He said, “You missed what I was saying in scripture because you move too fast; focusing on what you want to get out of the scriptures instead of letting me speak to you.” I stopped and said, “Okay Holy Spirit I am listening.” He took me to Genesis 1:1 and he said, “Look up the phrase, “In the beginning God created…”

As I looked up that phrase the Holy Spirit began to lay his words upon my heart. God! I thought I understood those words, but he brought so much more clarity to the meaning of each word. The word “in” used as a function word to indicate inclusion, location, or position within limits, to or towards the inside. He shared that when he says in, he means within, the location of what I am about to tell you. The beginning, the point in which something begins, so within this point that this started there was GOD, ELOHIM, the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. He said that I was so focused on what the scripture said that I missed the most important part!

Before the beginning, before God spoke creation into existence, He was here! No one else, but him! The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit they have no beginning and no end. God exists outside of space and time. He has always been here. I knew that, but there was some revelations moving in my head. I sat and just let him speak.

Overwhelmed, I looked up the word created and the Hebrew word for created is bara (baw raw) which means to create, to make creation out of nothing, from previous non-existence material. He began to show me that in man’s mind nothing is non-existent, but in him everything exists because it is within God. Did you get that? He is everything so creation was made from something, it was made from within him!

As I let those thoughts flow in my mind, he said, “Everything that you have need of is in existence because God is here.” The need that you have is waiting for you. It has always been there!




His Glory