Hidden Thoughts
Every morning I spend time listening to an encouraging word. I always asked the Holy Spirit who should I listen to for encouragement for the day. This one particular morning the name of a person came up in my spirit that I had not listened to in years and I was not really fond of him. I said to myself, “I don’t know why that name came up in my spirit.” Now I had just asked God, but because God had me listening to someone else for weeks, I thought for sure I was supposed to be listening to him and so that is what I did. But then the following day I asked God the same question and that same first person’s name rose up in my spirit. I was like, “God, is this who you want me to listen to?” And I could feel the presence of his peace in my spirit.
So I tuned in to listen to the individual and I found that there was so much judgment in my spirit. I was like, “I don’t know if I like the way they are explaining the message.” I could hardly hear the message for all the stuff that was coming out of my mind. I literally stopped the YouTube video and I began to pray for myself. I repented and asked God to help me. Literally after that prayer things changed. The message that God had me listen to was all about what we had been studying at our church. The teacher actually brought clarity to some of the questions that I had in my own heart!
What I believe God wanted me to see is that I had no idea that I was carrying around judgment for someone that I had never met. I had heard some negative things about this individual, but I did not know it had seeped into my spirit. I’m reminded of what Dr. Juanita Bynum said, “You cannot sit and listen to negativity and it not affect you.” I had no idea that the comments I heard someone else say about this individual had landed so deeply inside of me that judgment had filled my heart of that person.
God is the revealer of our soul. When Jesus taught the disciples the Lord’s prayer he added “And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”. Everyday we need to seek God for forgiveness of our sins. It is hard to see sin creeping up in our hearts. Scripture says “…to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ…,” That means any thought, good or bad, because in truth we have no idea of the source of the thought and what it can do to our soul.
God is consistently transforming us into the image of him. Our thoughts can take on a character of its own and if we are not paying attention we will be like that wild branch that needs to be pruned. But praise God that he prunes us!
Key points:
Your thoughts reveal your heart.
Our thoughts are invisible, but extremely powerful.
Lay your thoughts on Jehovah and walk in his power.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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