Hearing God
I had been listening to this song by Anthony Brown and group TherApy called, “Speak Your Name.” Some of the words to the song just kept playing over and over in my head…When we speak your name something happens in the room, our hands go up, we can't wait to see what you're gonna do… When we speak your name, power is released. As we bow down before you every demon has to flee. Before we do anything else (yeah) we call on you (we call on you).
Before we do (yeah-yeah) anything else we call on you, we call you Jesus. As I meditated on those words while working I could not hear God say anything. I was asking some questions. I said, “God, I am working and my mind is quite. I am listening for you, but I do not hear you saying anything.”
Later, he reminded me of a time when I took a trip with my dear friend and sister in Christ. We had taken a trip to Tennessee and decided to drive to Kentucky so we could go see the Ark Encounter . It was about a five hour drive and we used our GPS to give us instructions on how to get to the location. At one point in the drive, we noticed that our GPS had stopped talking. We were like, “Why is this system not saying anything?” We turned off the phone to start the navigation system over again and we noticed that it was still not saying anything. At some point the Holy Spirit revealed that it was not talking because we were headed in the right direction. When something needed to change the GPS would tell us.
The Holy Spirit was saying the same thing to me when I was questioning him. He said, “You checked in with me, I gave you instructions and you were following them.” If he needed me to do anything different he would tell me. It’s funny I remembered that we had this same conversation in the car! Jesus has sent us the Holy Spirit and he is here to help lead, guide and direct us. He will never leave us, nor forsake us. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another [a]Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), to be with you forever— John 14:16. Therefore, if you have checked in and he has not said anything else, keep going because you are on the right track!
Key points:
Do not let Satan put doubt in your mind, you can always hear God speaking to you.
Be assured that if God needs you to change directions, he knows how to get your attention.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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