A Time to Die

…a time to be born and a time to die… Ecclesiastes 3:2

I was serving at our church some years back helping with facilitating the opening part of services. I was on schedule for one of the Saturday evening services and my hubby asked my sister if she wanted to attend with me. At first she had said, “No, she had other plans,” but later she called and asked if she could go with me. She said, “I need to be at that service.”

It was my sister's first time attending our church so she really did not know anyone there. She lived in Fairfield, California and our church was in Sacramento. I invited her to go with me to our check-in meeting prior to the services. She attended and while there I introduced her to those in the room, including our associate pastor. 

When service started she sat on the front row with me. After I had completed my task, I sat backdown with her. Our associate Pastor was speaking that night. When she came on stage she started to give her message and then stopped. She said that the Holy spirit has a message for some people and she called out a gentleman who came up front and she spoke over him.

After the associate Pastor spoke to him she called out my sister. She told the audience that she had not met my sister until a few minutes ago and she began to tell her what was coming into her life. She told my sister things only God knew. She then said, “You should write this day down because blessings are going to flow to you from the east, the west, the north and the south and by next year this time your life will be completely different!

Everything she said came true. Everything changed within a few months because my sister’s husband passed away and God sent blessings from all over the place! When God had the associate pastor decreed the blessing over my sister’s life, the time for her husband’s life had already been decided. We all have a time to die! We do not know the day, the time nor the hour; only God knows that. He scheduled when we were to be born and our date to leave this earth has already been ordained. Remember when the prophet Isaiah went to King Hezekiah and told him to get his house in order because he was going to die? Listen, Hezekiah prayed and asked God for some additional years and God granted him 15 more years, but he still had a “time” to die Isaiah 38:1-21.

Everyday we are a day closer to leaving this place. See I believe we are all here for an assignment and the time we have been given in our body is all the time we need to fulfill that assignment. We must make sure we have our house (i.e., meaning our life) in order with Christ because not one hour is promised to us. The only guarantee he has given us is this present moment. …And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came to him and said to him, “Thus says the Lord, ‘Set your house in order, for you shall die; you shall not recover.’”

Key points:

Death is unavoidable, but life in Christ is your choice.

Prepare yourself while you have the chance for the eternity to come.

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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