What is Isolation About?
The wilderness seems to come out of nowhere. One moment everything is good and then all of a sudden you find yourself in this place that you never wanted to be in - and you have no control over it.
The Bible gives us plenty examples of how God allowed his people to be in barren lands, lands no one would ever raise their hands and say, “Pick me!” to be in. Many of you may be in those kinds of situations right now. Can’t find a job in the field you desire after getting your degree. Have just come out of a devastating car accident. Your body comes down with an incurable disease. Your child was murdered. You find out that your spouse has cheated on you. Parents died tragically and you are left to raise siblings.
When we find ourselves in those wilderness places of isolation, many of us try to find our way out. We try to figure out how to resolve the situation and get back to life as we knew it. But life has changed and there is no going back - there is only moving forward. The blessing that is sometimes so hard to see is that God already knew that those situations would arise, and He has prepared each of us to be successful in whatever it is we face. He is Jehovah Shammah, He is here and He is there - he is everywhere. He is outside of this universe watching His creation while at the same time being in it because He lives in every believer who has accepted Him as their personal savior.
Although Satan has control over this world and sets up these evil attacks to take us out, God has already gone before us and has given us victory! Hallelujah! Listen, in those moments look deeper for God. Sit quietly in His presence. If crying is all you can do, then cry. Scripture says, “You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book” (Psalm 56:8, NLT). That is good news!!
When John was exiled to the island of Patmos for preaching the gospel, God gave him a vision in which he received the whole book of Revelation. John was in a place where God could speak into him His plan. He wrote what God gave him and we can read that Word today.
In the book of Mark, we learn about a woman who was wealthy and enjoying life when her body came down with a blood disorder. For twelve years she suffered with the illness. Scripture says she spent all the money she had going to doctors to get better but she only grew worse. But by the time Jesus came on the scene her faith was so strong that although all kinds of people were touching Jesus and did not receive a healing, when she touched the hem of His garment she was made well. She did not even touch Him, just His clothing! Her time in isolation had drawn her into a new dimension with God that even the priests did not have.
When we are in a wilderness it is not so much about the situation we are in as it is about God drawing us into a new relationship with Him - bring us into greater revelation. I want to encourage you. Although you may not feel at all prepared for what you are facing right now know that God has been preparing you for this very moment. And when you turn to Him in every second of this season, He will guide your every step through the wilderness. You will experience the victory He has already set up for you! To God be the glory!
We give you praise that you are Jehovah Shammah! You are right here in the midst with us. God, for some, this place seems impossible to bear, to understand, to comprehend…there are no words, just a feeling of emptiness. We seek your face on their behalf and ask for help, comfort, peace, strength, and direction in what to do next. As the Word says - you made us, and you will care for us. You will carry us along and save us. We ask that you carry them in Jesus’s name. Amen.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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