
It had been so hot in our area that I started going to the gym to run on the treadmill rather than outside in the heat. I had actually stopped running entirely for a while because it was just so hot (and I was probably being lazy). I felt the nudge to get back to this form of exercise, and enjoyed running because I could zone out with my earbuds and feed my spirit while my flesh is getting what it needed. One afternoon while on the treadmill I heard the Holy Spirit say, “Every step you take on this treadmill you are doing something good for your body. You are giving your body what it needs.” He said that it’s the same way with the Word. Every time you put the Word in you, it is doing a work. It may not seem like anything at all is happening, but it is making a difference.


He reminded me that when I get off the treadmill, I will still have the results of the work I did on it. Nothing can take away the work that we have done. But when we eat the wrong food and don’t continue the exercise, it looks like all the work is gone. In truth, the work you did never left – it’s just covered so deeply with other stuff that it appears to be gone.


It is the same way with the Word. Once the Word is in us it does not leave, but we may pile so much other stuff on top of it that it does not appear to be there. He reminded me of when I was little and how I learned to ride the bike. After a while I stopped riding and started driving. I never forgot how to ride the bike, I just stopped doing it. Our mind has things stored and tucked away, and when we dig it out again, it will all come rushing back.


Every day when we feed our spirit, even if it is just ten minutes in the day, we are growing in the spirit of God. God can have you meditate on one word for weeks and it will create a change in your soul and bring healing to your body. Day by day, little by little - that is the journey of growing with our Father. Put your spirit on the treadmill, for in that consistent movement you are growing in a relationship with our great God, manifesting all that He has for you!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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Taking Thoughts Captive