The Phone
…everyone should be quick to listen…, James 1:19, NIV
When I was growing up, the phone either hung on the wall, or it was attached to a cord that was attached to the wall in our home. You would have never seen anyone with a phone in their pocket. If someone had told me back then that I would be carrying a phone around in my purse I never would have believed them! But here we are today with this amazing technology!
I am grateful to be apart of this amazing technology, but we have to be very careful about how we use it. I remember that if I was not at home and someone called, they would have had to leave a message. They would never have been able to instantly get in touch with me. But now all that has changed. While on vacation, my hubby and I were at a coffee shop ordering a hot tea when my phone rang. I looked down and I was tempted to pick up the call, but at the same time I was interacting with the sales clerk. I felt the Holy Spirit in that moment say, “Pause,” so I continued with my order. Later in the day, the Holy Spirit prompted me to see if the caller had left me a message and there was one.
The message was from a dear friend. God had sent her to give me a one minuet word! The word was so powerful that I had to replay it multiple times and write it down. While I was sitting reflecting on the message, the Holy Spirit said, “I did that on purpose. I had the call come when you were busy because I did not want you to answer it. I wanted you to have the message saved on your phone.” If I had taken the call I would not have been able to save it for future reflection. I would have only heard it once.
He reminded me how important it is was to quickly listen to him. We are so accustomed to picking up the phone when it rings that we do not hear him telling us to pause. Many times the call is not for us at that moment. When we are engaged with someone else, or doing some work, we need to pause before we answer and check in with God. He has ordained every step of our life. He knows exactly what is coming and when we need to access the information. Scripture says, “Your eyes have seen my unformed substance; And in Your book were all written the days that were ordained for me, when as yet there was not one of them. Psalm 139:16, NAS So, the next time your phone rings make sure that you pause and check in with your most trusted advisor; the Holy Spirit. It could be that the call is not for you to answer at that moment. Amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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