Set A Fire

Set a fire down in my soul that I can’t contain that I can’t control. I want more of you God. I want more of you, God.


In my prayer time, the words above came rushing to my heart as I sat praising God. I was quietly praying for all the women God had brought in my life near and far and the Holy Spirit lifted my spirit. While His joy overwhelmed me those words came out of my mouth. As I listened to myself repeat them from my heart I knew that is exactly what I wanted.


In California during the summer time, we have these raging fires that desecrate people’s homes, business, land and all that they hold dear to them. The fires are so destructive and raging that it can take weeks or even months to contain and get control of them. Once the fires are put out, the homeowner can go back to try and salvage what is left. Most cannot even recognize any of their belongings. Searching through the ashes, there is nothing left of value.


As I meditated on the words, I prayed that the fire of God would rage through me like the fires in California and destroy everything in me that is not of Him. Isn’t that what we want, this flesh of sin to be destroyed in us so we look and act just like our Father? We are here on assignment for Him. If you want that transformation in you, I invite you to pray these words, “Father, set a fire down in my soul that I can’t contain, that I can’t control. Please replace what is there with more of you” In Jesus’ name, Amen!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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