
“His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’”  Matthew 25:23, NIV


God is always speaking - we just have to pay close attention to what He says. I was in my Hot Pilates class and was speaking to another attendant. He likes classic cars, so I was telling him about a party we attended a few days earlier where they had all these beautiful cars on display. Responding to his questions, I went into detail about how the owner of the cars had his garage made to accommodate them. The attendant said, “Sounds like a rich man’s sport to me.” “Yes, it is.” I replied. He turned and said, “I am not there yet, but I am remaining faithful over the few things.”


He looked at me to see if I understood. “Yes, we are remaining faithful over the few things God has given us.” I said. I went home thinking about what he had said and meditated on the verse. I asked myself, “Am I faithful over the things God has already given me: our resources, time, home, family, friends and my service to God?” As I thought about it, I noticed ways that I could improve on what I had been doing. At that moment, God was having me evaluate whether I was doing what He had asked. I wished for an A in that area, but I knew in my heart there was much improvement needed. We can find ourselves asking God for more when He is looking at how we are doing with what we have been given. If we are not being good stewards over what we have, why should we expect God to give us more? Later in the scripture above it speaks to the individual who did nothing with his gifts. God took the gifts he had given him and sent the servant away for eternal punishment.


The scripture above was a parable Jesus was teaching, explaining the kingdom of God and what He expects when He returns. He has given us all gifts and assignments that He expects us to use for the purpose of glorifying the kingdom of God. The example above is of the servant who was good and faithful with what God had given him and how God reward the servant. We all want to make sure we are faithful over the little God has given us because that is what He expects of His servants - to use them well and allow them to prosper for His glory. Amen!


Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11


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What Will Your Legacy Be (2)