A time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; Ecclesiastes 3:6, ESV
There is something powerful about writing out your vision. As I mentioned before, God has been leading me to write down the vision He has shown me for my life. It’s definitely been a process; as I start writing, He brings up scriptures and directions I would never have thought of on my own. Every time I sit down and read over what I've written, the Holy Spirit prompts me to add something or make adjustments. It’s truly a work in progress.
God has instructed me to read and speak my vision daily. I've noticed that when I speak this vision out loud, some incredible changes happen. One example involves our garage. I had been asking, even begging, my husband to clean it out. I went through and cleared everything that belonged to me to encourage him to sort his things, but he wasn’t ready to go through them. He would tackle a box here and there, but the clutter remained overwhelming.
Our garage was so cluttered that I was embarrassed; when people saw it, I’d apologize for the mess. But after I started speaking and praying over my vision book, my husband came to me and said, “I’m going to rent a storage unit to help clear out the garage. I’ll put things in the unit until I can sort through them.” He signed up for a three-month rental and, without any prompting from me, started going through boxes and getting rid of things. Interestingly, my vision book doesn’t specifically say that the garage will be cleaned out. However, some of the things I wrote down require a clean garage before they can happen.
While I’m thrilled about the garage being cleared, I’m even more excited to see how removing the clutter makes way for what God has spoken for us next. When we start following God’s guidance and obey His instructions, we begin to witness His miracles unfolding in our lives.
Key points
Obedience moves the hand of God.
The vision is so important
Speaking in alignment with God brings manifestation.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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