Love Capacity
And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.
Colossians 3:14 ESV
What is your capacity to receive love and to give love to others? I kept hearing “love capacity'' in my thoughts and wondered what our love capacity is? How much can we truly love?
Capacity – 1. The maximum amount that something can contain. 2. The ability or power to do, experience, or understand something.
My first thought was that my love capacity ranged somewhere in the 50 – 95 percent range, depending on the situation (lol)! I think we choose to love based on the situation and based on how we are treated by others. But in truth, our love capacity is far greater than we could ever imagine. God is love and because we have Him inside of us (if you have accepted Christ as your personal Savior), our capacity is to be love in every situation.
When we go to school for a certain occupation we never say we are going to work 50 percent of that occupation. We don’t say that the situation or how well we are treated will determine how well we perform. Our goal is to become the best in whatever occupation we choose. This should be our goal with love.
I love that capacity has two definitions listed in the dictionary. The first definition speaks to the amount that we can contain, which we now know our capacity for love is limitless when we operate with the Holy Spirit. The second definition focuses on our ability and the power that we have to operate in love. That power does not come from within ourselves. We could never be what love is without the help of the Holy Spirit. Just like we go to school for our occupation, we have to go sit with Jesus Christ to become the love that Christ has called us to be.
Our insignificant idea of love is just like thinking we understand a certain occupation. It is not until we go to school that we get the full understanding of what is involved in that position. In the same way, we need to study love. Jesus showed us love and gave us the definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13. If we view love as an occupation, we’ll understand that it requires us to be in school daily with the Holy Ghost.
If we have a thimble-worth of capacity and we are standing on the edge of a vast ocean, we have access to a lot of water, but we will not hold much because our capacity is so small. If we have a bucket we will get more than a thimble, but once the bucket is full the ocean can do us no good. Even if we have a barrel we will get more than a bucket but we will have only taken advantage of a minuscule part of the ocean. (Portion of my Daily Word reading)
We all have a limitless capacity to be love, however, it is up to us to choose how much love we are going to become.
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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