Laying in the Dirt
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. Romans 1:18, ESV
I was laying on a lounge chair in the back yard and had the scriptures playing in the background. Ever since God told me that the soil was just like the scriptures, I sometimes say I am laying in the dirt. It reminds me of being a kid and just loving getting dirty. The dirt would be under my fingernails, on my legs, and in my toes. As I sat listening, I thought, “Yes God, let's get the dirt all up under my nails and feet!”
As the scriptures played the verse above, Romans 1:18, leaped in my soul. I knew that I had written about this verse before but for some reason God laid it upon my heart again. My focus for the verse was on the second clause, “…who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth”. I looked up the verse in the King James version and it read, “…the unrighteous hold the truth in their unrighteousness.” I knew Apostle Paul was writing to Roman who belonged to Jesus Christ. He was speaking about God’s wrath upon the unrighteous, saying that God has revealed to every person the truth but they suppress it, or push it down. They understand their behavior is wrong, but they ignore the truth to do what they want to do.
I let that thought sit for a while and God begin to show me how I can do the same thing. He said “When you are upset with your husband and I tell you to hold your peace, you suppress the truth and say what you want to say. You know your behavior is not the avenue of peace but because you feel like you need to be heard, you shut down the truth and move! You know the truth, and you hold it in your unrighteousness.” I immediately repented and thanked God for His grace!
The scripture goes on to say in verse 19, “…for what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them.” This is interesting, because in the midst of my behavior I did not understand I was holding on to the truth and moving into the realm of unrighteousness. But God had shown me that my response was not going to end the conversation well. He literally let me see how my husband was going to respond. So I could not say I did not know. I carried the truth of what God had shown me into my unrighteous behavior. Ouch!
You know when I started listening to the scripture that day, I said “Yes God, I want to get dirty”. However, I did not know it meant getting the scripture in every particle of my being. God wants us to know the truth about ourselves, so we do not think we are going to heaven and ended up right beside those whom we call unrighteous. God is after His people, wanting them to walk in truth and righteousness. For scripture says “…[in the gospel] the righteousness of God is revealed…” (Romans 1:17). We need to stay in the dirt!
Father, thank you for this word. Thank you for breaking down every particle so we understand that our eyes must stay on you. We repent for our disobedience, and we ask for forgiveness of our sin. Thank you for your correction, this we pray in Jesus’ name, amen!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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