His Weapon for Battle
“You are my war club, my weapon for battle—with you I shatter nations, with you I destroy kingdoms, Jeremiah 51:20, NIV
Why does God need weapons to fight in the battle with Satan? When Adam and Eve turned the earth over to Satan, they put their lineage (us) against God and there was nothing anyone in the world could do to change it. The earth and everything in it belongs to God. Those who have accepted Jesus Christ are his agents to bring the message of salvation to those who do not know him.
I was listening to a pastor speak and he said that we are God’s weapons of war. We are not only here for worship, but for war. That statement reminded me of when I was younger. My parents had put me and my siblings in our church’s little children’s choir. One of the songs we used to sing was, “We are Soldiers in the Army of God.”
At that time I did not understand why we would had to fight in God’s army if he had already won the war. I did not understand that everyday there are battles to save the souls of lost individuals. We are God’s weapon against Satan and our fight is to stand in the word and offer love to the world.
The challenge comes when Satan tries to tempt us to step out of our position. How does he do that? I remember one time I had bought a beautiful dress for church and work. I was so excited about it and on this particular day I wore it to work. On break one of my coworkers and I decided to go pick up shaved ice for everyone at work. We were at the shop and on our way into the building this lady honked at me and told me to move my car. We just looked at her like, “what?” There were plenty of parking spaces for her and we went inside the building.
There were a lot of people inside the building waiting for their orders. When the lady who honked at me got inside the building she asked them if she could purchase a certain type of soda, but they did not carry it. So instead she asked for a cup of water. Now mind you this place is packed with people and everyone could see and hear her. When they gave her the cup of water, she took it and threw it at my dress. All down the front of the dress was wet and then she said, “Oh, I’m sorry.” I was in such shock that I could not move.
The owner of the store and everyone around started to try and help me get the water dried up off my dress. My coworker kept saying, “Are you alright? Do we need to get this chick?” Listen Satan’s move was to get me out of position, but instead God held me. I was shocked at myself because I just kept telling everyone that I was good. It was only by the grace of God that I was kept as a weapon for him. I did not move and his love was displayed for all those in that shop to see his glory!
Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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