Great Work Is Happening Within You

It was a little after midnight, and I couldn’t sleep, so I started working. While working, I was listening to music and heard these words: “I know what it looks like, but I choose to go against that. I am speaking something different, I am claiming something different, I am believing something different.”

Immediately, my spirit was uplifted. I had been feeling down without realizing that I was speaking based on what I could see instead of what God had told me. I had stopped focusing on the destination and started complaining about the journey. It was as if I had mistaken the side of the road for the destination. Satan’s deceptive words are always lies, designed to get us off course and make us believe that God isn’t keeping His promises. But the truth is, we simply haven’t reached the destination yet.

Every plant that continues to grow in the right soil will produce fruit and fulfill its purpose. And we are so much greater than plants! Everything God creates has a purpose, and when it aligns with Him, it will produce fruit. Just as God works supernaturally through plants, He is doing a great work in each of us. We just have to keep going. Remember, Scripture says, “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion!” Hallelujah! God is doing a great work in each of us.

God showed me an illustration: when we go to the store and grab a package of vegetables or fruit, each one looks different. It’s the same with us. It doesn’t matter how we think we look or what experiences we’ve had—God has already placed a great harvest inside each of us. Often, we fail to see the potential because we’re focused on the seed. But if we stop fixating on what the seed is doing and focus instead on what God says, the harvest is guaranteed to be abundant.

Listen, God already knows what’s in the seed and how it will produce fruit. All we need to do is keep our eyes on Jesus and follow His instructions. Amen!

Key points:

The side of the road is not the destination.

The seed never looks like its potential

Keep going, the Creator will complete the work in you

Affirmations: Matthew 10:20; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11

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