Cast the Demon Out
As believers, we do not have to walk around oppressed by the devil - we have the authority to cast him out of our lives. Scripture says that those who are in Christ have the authority to cast out demons in His name (Mark 16:16-18). Now, demonic spirits will try to make you believe you do not have that authority to cast them out and will come back again to tempt you. But all we have to do is speak the Word in Jesus’s name. Just like a squatter takes up residence in a place that is not his own, demonic spirits seek to reside in your life. Before we were believers, demonic spirits could call our bodies their “home”. But once we accept Jesus Christ as our personal savior we are owned by God and our residence belongs to Christ - we are home to ElOHIM.
Jesus taught us how to cast out those demonic spirits, so we must believe we have the authority to do so when we speak in the power of God. Many individuals are weighed down by demonic spirits and may not even know it. You may have thoughts that God does not love you, that you’ll never accomplish your goals, that you are not in alignment with God, that you are bad, or even thoughts of committing suicide. Anything that is not in alignment with what God says about you is an oppressive spirit that has found a way into your life. We have the power from God to command those demons to leave.
In scripture we see how Jesus cast those demons out: “But Jesus rebuked him, saying, ‘Be quiet and come out of him!’ And when the demon had thrown him down in the midst of the people, he came out of him without doing him any harm.” (Luke 4:35). The devil may resist but he has to come out, because God created him and he must obey his creator. We see again in Matthew 8:32, “And He said to them, ‘Go!’ And they came out and went into the swine, and the whole herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea and perished in the waters.” Jesus also tells us in Luke 11:20 how He cast out demons. He says, “But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you...”
We should never be afraid of a demonic spirit. We are all spirits, just living in a body. Our mind is the battlefield for the devil, and he has been at this game a long time. He can try and convince us that those negative thoughts are our own, but they are not. They are from a squatter who has to be kicked out by us! The next time a negative thought comes to your mind…say “NO, get out of here demonic spirit in the name of Jesus” and it is done! Just remember in the beginning you may have to do it more than once. He needs to know for sure the door is locked! Amen!
Affirmations; Luke 24:32; Ephesians 6:19, Isaiah 55:11
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